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ICANN Board Seeks Input on Draft Strategic Plan and Operating Plan Framework

23 июля 2024

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  • English

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board of Directors is seeking input from the ICANN community on the draft ICANN Strategic Plan and draft Operating Plan Framework for the next five years.

The ICANN Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2026–2030 presents a simplified yet comprehensive vision that balances clarity with depth, addressing the multifaceted needs of ICANN's stakeholders. The Strategic Plan is complemented by a five-year Operating Plan Framework, which details the key activities required to deliver on the Strategic Plan.

The Board needs your feedback on the clarity and relevance of our vision, the appropriateness of the strategic objectives, and the detailed strategic goals and strategies designed to achieve them. Additionally, we seek your input on the proposed progress indicators and identified strategic risks. Furthermore, your input on the key activities identified in the draft five-year Operating Plan Framework to achieve each strategy are critical. Your comments will help the ICANN Board and organization (org) refine and enhance the plans to better serve our mission and the community.

The five-year Operating Plan Framework is designed to outline the high-level activities necessary to effectively execute the five-year Strategic Plan. The specific details of prioritization and resource allocation will be defined during the annual Operating Plan and Budget process.

To facilitate structured input on the draft plans, the Board has provided a Guided Submission Form for this proceeding. The purpose of this form is to help gather the feedback in an organized manner, making it easier for the Board and org to analyze and integrate the suggestions.

The Board will provide an overview of the draft plans and the Public Comment process during two community webinars, on Tuesday, 30 July, at 16:00 UTC and on Wednesday, 31 July, at 00:00 UTC.

The Public Comment period will be open for 57 days. For more information and to participate in this proceeding, please visit this webpage.

Submissions Opening Date: 23 July 2024

Submissions Closing Date: 17 September 2024

О корпорации ICANN

Миссия ICANN — способствовать обеспечению стабильности, безопасности и единства глобального интернета. Для того, чтобы связаться с кем-нибудь в интернете, в компьютер или другое устройство необходимо ввести адрес – имя или номер. Этот адрес должен быть уникальным, чтобы компьютеры могли друг друга находить. ICANN помогает координировать работу этих уникальных идентификаторов во всем мире. ICANN была сформирована в 1998 году в качестве некоммерческой общественной корпорации и сообщества участников со всего мира.