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ICANN Announces New Staff Appointments

2 марта 2005

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Olof Nordling – Manager of Policy Development Coordination

ICANN is pleased to announce the appointment of Olof Nordling as manager of Policy Development Coordination.

Olof is a Swedish national and holds an MSc and was for many years Head of the TeliaSonera, the Swedish/Finnish Telecommunications group’s Brussels office, where he was responsible for relations to the EU institutions for Telecommunications policy matters.

In the past Olof was Counsellor and Head of the Science and Technology office at the Swedish Embassy in Paris. Prior to this he was Deputy Trade Commissioner for Sweden, based in Los Angeles.

In his earlier career Olof was a Systems Analyst for Honeywell Bull in Paris.

Maria Farrell – GNSO Policy Officer

ICANN is pleased to announce the appointment of Maria Farrell as GNSO Policy Officer.

Maria is an Irish national and studied History and Politics at University College Dublin (1990 - 1994) and worked in film and television production in Ireland and the UK for four years. She received an MA in Interactive Media from the Dublin Institute of Technology in 1999 and an MSc in Government from the London School of Economics in 2000. She is currently pursuing an MBA part-time at the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School in Belgium.

In her prior career, Maria was Policy Manager for E-Business, IT and Telecoms at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris from 2002 to 2004. Prior to this, she worked in London as Policy Executive on Electronic Law at the Law Society of England and Wales, and Policy Adviser on E-Business for the Confederation of British Industry.

Donna Austin – ccNSO Policy Officer

ICANN is pleased to announce the appointment of Donna Austin as ccNSO Policy Officer.

Donna is an Australian national with a BA in Office Management and has also undertaken post graduate studies in the arena of public policy.

Previously, Donna has held a long career in the Australian Commonwealth Public Service, undertaking a range of policy and program positions, including the role of the GAC coordinator representing the Australian Government. Most recently Donna held the role of manager of two grants programs in the Broadcasting Division of the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts.

Barbara Roseman – IANA Operations Manager

ICANN is pleased to announce the appointment of Barbara Roseman as Operations Manager, IANA. This appointment is part of the ongoing process of improving the quality of IANA operations. Barbara will directly oversee, be responsible for, and participate in day-to-day operations in each of IANA’s critical responsibilities, including:

  • IETF protocol parameter assignments,
  • Port assignments,
  • Root management,
  • Registry management,
  • Routine re-delegation activities, and
  • IP Address allocations

One of Barbara’s early goals will be to complete the establishment and publication of metrics (already underway) that will monitor IANA performance.

In addition to this step, ICANN’s Technical Operations department will continue to play a lead role in processing applications for Port Assignments. Barbara will interface with the Technical Operations group so that she can report performance in that area and determine, when appropriate, any adjustments that need to be made in that function.

Barbara’s association with ICANN dates from the year 2000, when as a manager for Global Crossing, she became a member of the ISP Constituency and of the Address Supporting organization (ASO) council. Barbara acted as Chair of the Address Council in 2002. She has also served as a member of the American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) Advisory Council.

Barbara has served ICANN in full and part time consultancy roles during the past two years, most recently providing staff support for the GNSO Council and Task Forces. She has also made a significant contribution to ICANN’s recently published strategic plan.

Barbara is a U.S. national. She holds a B.A. degree from Mills College and an M.A. degree from the City University of New York Graduate Program.