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CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Issues Jurisdiction Questionnaire

9 февраля 2017

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

The newly-adopted ICANN Bylaws created several Work Stream 2 accountability subgroups. One of these subgroups, the Jurisdiction Subgroup, is addressing questions related to ICANN's jurisdiction, including how choice of jurisdiction and applicable laws for dispute settlement impact ICANN's accountability and the actual operation of policies.

The Jurisdiction Subgroup has put out a questionnaire seeking responses to several jurisdiction-related questions. The Subgroup is asking you to consider and respond to these questions with concrete, factual submissions.

The questionnaire can be found at https://community.icann.org/x/UpXRAw and is available in each of the 6 languages supported by ICANN. You may respond to the questionnaire in any of these languages.

Responses must be transmitted via email to ccwg-acctws2.jurisdiction.questionnaire@icann.org. Responses must clearly identify the individual responding and, where applicable, the organization for which the response is being submitted. Responses may be submitted at any point during the response period.

The subgroup will accept responses until 23:59 UTC 17 April 2017.