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Call for Volunteers: Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) Implementation and Work Stream 2

25 марта 2016

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  • English


In December 2014, the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) was formed to deliver proposals that would enhance ICANN's accountability towards all stakeholders.

The work of the CCWG-Accountability is carried out in two Work Streams:

  • Work Stream 1: focused on mechanisms enhancing ICANN accountability that must be in place or committed to within the time frame of the IANA Stewardship Transition;
  • Work Stream 2: focused on addressing accountability topics for which a timeline for developing solutions and full implementation may extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition.


With the completion of the Work Stream 1 report and delivery to NTIA in March 2016, work is beginning on the implementation of the Work Stream 1 recommendations, followed by the development of a Work Stream 2 report. Work Stream 2 items are listed in Annex 12 of the CCWG-Accountability report [PDF, 6.03 MB], as follows:

  • Considering improvements to ICANN's standards for diversity
  • Focused efforts to enhance ICANN's transparency
  • Improving and clarifying expectations of ICANN staff accountability
  • Enhancing the accountability of ICANN's Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees
  • Addressing jurisdiction-related questions, focused on applicable law for contracts and dispute settlements
  • Developing a Framework of Interpretation for ICANN's Human Rights commitment and proposed draft Bylaw (more information in Annex 6 of the Work Stream 1 Report)
  • Considering enhancements to the Ombudsman's role and function


The CCWG-Accountability is open to anyone who wishes to join, and the group welcomes all interested stakeholders to join in this next phase.

There are two ways to join the CCWG-Accountability:

  • Individual Participants – Participants are expected to actively contribute to mailing list conversations as well as meetings. Each potential participate will be required to provide a Statement of Interest (SOI) before being designated as an individual participant and have posting rights to the mailing list. It is anticipated that participants will provide essential input to the process.
  • Mailing list observers – for those who are only interested in monitoring the exchanges of the CCWG-Accountability. Observers are offered read-only access to the mailing list. At any point in time, a mailing list observer can join the CCWG as a participant simply by informing ICANN staff and submitting a SOI.

The CCWG-Accountability operates in a fully open and transparent manner, and all mailing list exchanges are publicly archived. It should be noted that all participants are responsible for abiding by ICANN's Expected Standards for Behavior.

If you'd like to join the CCWG-Accountability efforts on Implementation and Work Stream 2, please send a note to acct-staff[at]icann.org.


The next meeting of the CCWG-Accountability will take place on Tuesday, 5 April from 19:00-21:00 UTC to review draft Bylaw language as a part of implementation of Work Stream 1.

The group anticipates finalizing discussions on the draft Bylaws in mid-April. After these discussions are completed, the group will focus on the inventory of Work Stream 2 items.

For more information on the CCWG-Accountability, visit https://community.icann.org/x/ogDxAg.