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Call for Suggestions for ccTLD Delegates to Nominating Committee

4 марта 2003

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

To the ccTLD community:

ICANN's reform process has resulted in adoption of a Nominating Committee mechanism for selection of qualified candidates to ICANN's Board of Directors (8 seats), the At-Large Advisory Committee (5 seats), and the GNSO Council (3 seats). (When the Country-Code Names Supporting Organization is formed, three of its eighteen members will also be selected by the Nominating Committee.)

The initial Nominating Committee will soon begin its work. One delegate to the Nominating Committee is needed from the ccTLD community. Because the ccNSO is in the process of being constitued, the transition provisions of the ICANN bylaws (Article XX, Section 4) provide that the ICANN Board will appoint the ccTLD delegate after consultation with members of the ccTLD community.

I am writing to you to ask for any nominations or suggestions you may have for the ccTLD delegate to the Nominating Committee. The qualifications for delegates are described in the bylaws as follows:

Delegates to the ICANN Nominating Committee shall be:

1. Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and with experience and competence with collegial large group decision-making;

2. Persons with wide contacts, broad experience in the Internet community, and a commitment to the success of ICANN;

3. Persons whom the selecting body is confident will consult widely and accept input in carrying out their responsibilities;

4. Persons who are neutral and objective, without any fixed personal commitments to particular individuals, organizations, or commercial objectives in carrying out their Nominating Committee responsibilities;

5. Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN's activities on the broader Internet community who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and

6. Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English.

(Article VII, Section 4.)

To make sure that the Nominating Committee has input from a ccTLD-oriented delegate, it is important that the delegate be appointed soon. I therefore hope you will be able to provide suggestions and nominations by Sunday, 9 March 2003. If you have a suggestion, please paste the suggestion template (items 1a to 6e) from this web page into an e-mail, fill it out, and send it to <cctld-nomcomm-delegate@icann.org>. Comments marked private will be kept private.

Alejandro Pisanty
Chair, ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee