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12 августа 2003

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  • English

To the ICANN Secretary,

At its 26 June 2003 ICANN Board meeting, the Board adopted bylaw provisions establishing the framework for the ccNSO. Consistent with the authoritative ICANN Board resolutions, a call for expressions of interest for 6 additional members to the ccNSO's initial 9 members was sent out on 9 July 2003 (see: <http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-09jul03.htm>).

The request was for an additional 6 members from the following regions:

1 from Asia Pacific
1 from Europe
2 from North America
2 from Africa

Expressions of interest were received, and in consultation with the initial 9 members of the launching group and with respective ccTLD regional contacts, the additional 6 members were identified, provided below. The ccNSO Launching Group is representative of all of ICANN's regions, and includes both small and large ccTLDs. The additional 6 members are:

From Asia Pacific: Peter Dengate Thrush (.nz)
From Europe: Olivier Guillard (.fr);
From North America: Jeff Neuman (.us) < jeff.neuman@neustar.us> and Dotty de Blanc (.vi);
From Africa: Yann Kwok (.mu) and Dr Paulos B Nyirenda (.mw)

In adopting the bylaw provisions establishing the ccNSO, the Board also adopted resolutions outlining the formation and subsequent role of the Launching Group. The Board requested "the nine ccTLD members of the ccNSO Assistance Group to call for an additional six members to join with the nine ccTLD members of the Assistance Group to form a launching group for the ccNSO ("Launching Group"), the membership of which Launching Group shall be identified in writing to the Secretary within thirty days following the adoption of these resolutions;" The Board further resolved that the Launching Group:

"shall have authority to solicit additional ccTLD managers to join with the members of such Launching Group to eventually comprise the ccNSO, which shall be deemed constituted once thirty members have joined;
shall also have the authority to establish a schedule and procedures for the selection of the initial ccNSO Council; and
shall not have the authority (a) to initiate a ccPDP or (b) otherwise engage in development of substantive policies, or (c) select on behalf of the ccNSO any director or observer or other participant in any ICANN body."

Kind regards,

ccTLD members from the ccNSO Assistance Group

Bart Boswinkel
Chris Disppain
Demi Getschko
Alf Hansen
Hiro Hotta
Pierre Ouedraogo
Patricio Poblete
Oscar Robles
Bernard Turcotte