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2008 ICANN Nominating Committee Announces Selections

5 сентября 2008

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The 2008 ICANN Nominating Committee (Nom Com) has completed its selections:

ICANN Board of Directors

Term: Conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2008 until conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2011.

At-Large Advisory Committee

Term: Conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2008 until conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2010.

ccNSO Council

  • Jian Zhang (China/USA, Asia-Pacific/North America)

Term: Conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2008 until conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2011.

GNSO Council

Term: Conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2008 until conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting for 2010.

The biographies of the Nominees are posted at http://nomcom.icann.org/candidate-bios-2008.htm and linked to above. The 2008 Nominating Committee will also be posting a summary of its work on its web page at http://nomcom.icann.org.

The 2008 Nominating Committee received 78 Statements of Interest, drawn from all five of the geographic regions during an open nominating period that ran from 14 December 2007 to 15 April 2008. 13 candidates were female and 65 were male. 27 candidates were from Europe, 20 candidates were from North America, 15 were from Africa, 14 were from Asia/Australia/Pacific, and 8 were from Latin America/Caribbean. Some candidates are counted in more than one region due to dual citizenship.

Those selected will assume their duties at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual Meeting on 7 November 2008 in Cairo, Egypt.