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A Call to the Global ccTLD Community on the IANA Stewardship Transition – Let’s Have Our Voice Heard

4 May 2015
By Byron Holland

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picture of ccNSO chair Byron Holland

On April 22, the working group responsible for developing a proposal for a system to replace the role the United States Government currently has with Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) published its second – and likely final – draft proposal for public comment. With the withdrawal of the U.S. Government, the development of the Internet has reached a critical juncture. I believe that input from the global ccTLD managers is critical to ensuring our community's unique needs are reflected in the final proposal.

Since the most recent version of this proposal was released, this working group, known as the CWG-Stewardship, has gone to considerable lengths to ensure that ccTLD managers have the necessary knowledge and opportunity to participate in this important process. While the full proposal is quite long at 92 pages, the CWG-Stewardship has also produced a 10-page slide deck which explains the context and process of the proposed system. Page 8 of the slide deck provides a schematic of the proposed new arrangements. There is also a five-page 'chairs' foreword' that summarizes the proposal, and a 'basic elements' document that also serves as an index to the full document, and highlights key elements and processes.

The members of the CWG-Stewardship that represent the ccTLD community have also held two webinars on the proposal to date. Recordings and transcripts of these webinars can be found in the ccNSO's calendar for April 28 and 29. The CWG-Stewardship will hold additional webinars to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the proposal will be held on:

  • May 6 from 13:00 – 14:30 UTC
  • May 7 from 06:00 – 07:30 UTC

At each webinar, you will be able to ask questions of the working group about the proposal. To register, or to find more information, please visit the ICANN website.

I encourage you to review the materials developed by the CWG-Stewardship and to participate in one of the webinars to help inform your comments on the proposal.  This is likely our last opportunity to influence the shape and details of the proposal as the supporting organizations, including the ccNSO, will be asked to approve final version that will reflect these comments on June 26 at the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires.

More information about the public comment process is available on the ICANN website. Please take the time to review the CWG-Stewardship's resources and submit your views before the public comment period closes on May 20, 2015. Together, we can ensure that the ccTLD community will continue to flourish.

Byron Holland is Chair of the ccNSO


Byron Holland