ICANN Announcements

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ICANN Information and Exchange Session: The Evolution of ICANN and Internet Governance Ecosystems – Wednesday 11 June, 1700-1900 @TheFactory, Berlin

22 May 2014

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In this meeting which will follow the German Internet Governance Forum, Fadi Chehade, President and CEO, and Jean-Jacques Sahel, Vice-President for Europe at ICANN, as well as Board member Sebastien Bachollet, will discuss the evolutionary milestones taking place in the ICANN and wider Internet Governance ecosystem. There are a number of initiatives under way at the moment that are important to the evolution of how the Internet is governed. From the successful outcome achieved in NetMundial to the US Government's proposed stewardship transition of the IANA functions and the related ICANN Accountability review, ICANN are keen to present and discuss these initiatives with all interested and concerned stakeholders, as part of ICANN's ongoing objective of enhancing engagement across Europe.

As spaces are limited, please register your interest in attending at: europe@icann.org

Location: The Factory, Rheinsberger Straße 76/77, 10117 Berlin, Germany.

Updated 5 June – Mr Chehade will no longer be able to take part in this Session; however he will intervene in the opening panel of the Eurodig Meeting, and plans to participate in "ICANN Ask", a Eurodig Flash session on 12 June at 1800.