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ICANN's Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget, and Five-Year Operating Plan Update

8 March 2017

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Open Date: 8 March 2017 Close Date: 28 April 2017
Originating Organization: ICANN
Categories/Tags: Operations/Finance
Brief Overview: Focusing on ICANN's commitment to the multistakeholder model, ICANN's Draft FY18 Operating Plan & Budget and an associated update to the Five-Year Operating Plan are provided for community discussion and public comment. ICANN seeks structured feedback on the plan described in these two linked documents. These documents incorporate refinements on previous years based on regular interaction with the ICANN Community and reflect FY17's planned accomplishments towards the Five-Year Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Board in October 2014.
Link: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/fy18-budget-2017-03-08-en