Public Comment

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Name: Udaya Narayana Singh
Date:10 May 2022
Affiliation: Amity University Haryana, Gurugram, India
1. Are the individual script proposals created by the Generation Panels (available here) correctly integrated into RZ-LGR-5?
2. In your view, are there any required technical changes to RZ-LGR-5? Please list them with an explanation.

In my view, all Devanagari-based script LGRs have been well-integrated into the overall system, and they do not require any further changes at this stage. If there appear glitches as we start operating, we may return to this document to make minor modifications

3. Do you have any additional observations or suggested changes?

I have seen some comments made by others and I think the issues raised could be easily resolved.

Summary of Attachment

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Summary of Submission

I have gone through the Combined LGR documents under RZ-LGR-5, and I have the following comments: 1. Although IP has gone through close to 200 users of the Latin Writing system (Ref section 1.1.1.), there may arise situations in the future, where Latinate variants of scripts for languages with already existing indigenous writing systems may throw up special problems of validity and clashes of shapes etc. These are uses of Neo-Latin for specific purposes on new technical devices and platforms, and there may arise a need to check those uses as well. 2. Ideally, from this document, one could use hyperlinking to go to each individual LGRs such as Bangla or Devanagari or Malayalam, etc. That kind of presentation would have been a thorough and inclusive system. That would have also satisfied the curiosity of users and scholars alike in looking into those scripts which use a large number of code points (Ethiopic or Arabic, for instance - besides Japanese, Korean, etc). 3. I think section 8.4 should have also included Mr. Samiran Gupta as under Staff. 4. Under 8.3, once again hyperlinks to all those who contributed as GP members in each of these scripts would have made it a better document giving due credit to all. That would also show the huge consultations that ICANN has had in creating and finalizing each LGR. Otherwise, all Devanagari-based script LGRs have been well-integrated into the overall system, and they do not require any further changes at this stage. If there appear glitches as we start operating, we may return to this document to make minor modifications.