Public Comment

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Name: Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)
Date: 1 Mar 2022
1. Overall, does the proposal meet its goal of defining Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) labels for the Myanmar script that are suitable for the root zone?
3. Other Comments

The RySG again thanks ICANN for developing and disseminating these LGR resources. We look forward to further discussions on developing a process for adopting Reference LGRs within the multistakeholder policy development process. 

Summary of Submission

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) welcomes the opportunity to comment on this report and thanks ICANN and the Community for the continued work to develop Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs). The development and dissemination of additional resources is appreciated and the RySG continues to see the value of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) to further the goals of competition and consumer choice for internet users globally. 

The RySG again thanks ICANN for developing and disseminating these LGR resources. We look forward to further discussions on developing a process for adopting Reference LGRs within the multistakeholder policy development process.