Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)
Date:28 Feb 2024
Other Comments

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft NCAP Study 2 Report and Responses.  

We appreciate the time and expertise the participants dedicated to developing responses to questions regarding name collisions. We also encourage the Board to take into account ICANN staff’s contribution and analysis of privacy issues. As evidenced by our engagement in community efforts, the RySG has experience and interest in addressing privacy concerns. We appreciate the Board’s consideration of the issue and are happy to share our expertise and experience as appropriate. The RySG supports the Board maintaining momentum on these recommendations while looking for constructive and efficient ways to continue to examine the highlighted concerns.  

As this topic has been identified as on the critical path for the ongoing Subsequent Procedures work, we encourage prompt review by the Board. 

Summary of Submission

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft NCAP Study 2 Report and Responses.  

We appreciate the time and expertise the participants dedicated to developing responses to questions regarding name collisions. We also encourage the Board to take into account ICANN staff’s contribution and analysis of privacy issues. As evidenced by our engagement in community efforts, the RySG has experience and interest in addressing privacy concerns. We appreciate the Board’s consideration of the issue and are happy to share our expertise and experience as appropriate. The RySG supports the Board maintaining momentum on these recommendations while looking for constructive and efficient ways to continue to examine the highlighted concerns.  

As this topic has been identified as on the critical path for the ongoing Subsequent Procedures work, we encourage prompt review by the Board.