Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: Lucía León
Date:16 Aug 2022
Affiliation: Hiperderecho
Are you providing input on behalf of another group (e.g., organization, company, government)?
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 1.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 2.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 3.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 4.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 5.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 6.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 7.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 8.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 9.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 10.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 11.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 12.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 13.
Support Recommendation intent with wording change

If your response requires an edit or deletion of Preliminary Recommendation 13, please indicate the revised wording and rationale here.

I agree with Registries Stakeholder Group's input.

Question to the community: Who is best positioned to manage the standard 14-day TTL – the Registry or the Registrar, and why? Are there specific implications if the TTL is managed by the Losing Registrar?

Resgistar is best positioned and should be first option. I agree with Registries Stakeholder Group's input.

Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 14.
Support Recommendation as written
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 15.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 16.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 17.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 18.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 19.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 21.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 22.
No opinion
Summary of Submission

There are several improvements in order maximize the principles of data minimisation and privacy by design. Considerations about denying reasons must be taken into account, maybe extending the deadline.

I support Preliminary Recommendations 1-15 as written (with an observation for PR 13, following RySG criteria).