Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: Prince Andrew Livingstone Zutah
Date:1 Jun 2023
Affiliation: AFRALO
Summary of Attachment

Changing the terms of service from one year to two years can bring several benefits to an organization:

Stability and Continuity: Longer terms provide stability and continuity in leadership, allowing for better long-term planning and implementation of strategies.

Reduced Disruption: Longer terms reduce the frequency of elections or appointments, minimizing disruptions and enabling the organization to maintain focus on its goals.

Enhanced Effectiveness: With more time in their roles, leaders can gain deeper knowledge and experience, make informed decisions, and act in the best interest of the organization.

Increased Efficiency: Longer terms allow leaders to complete ongoing projects, manage resources more effectively, and build relationships for smoother decision-making processes.

Cost Savings: Extending terms can reduce the costs associated with frequent elections or appointments.

However, potential downsides such as complacency and lack of accountability should be considered. Continuous evaluation and performance assessments are necessary to prevent these issues.

Ultimately, the decision to change term lengths should be carefully evaluated, taking into account the organization's specific needs and goals, and seeking input from stakeholders.

Summary of Submission

Changing the terms of service from one year to two-year terms can have several advantages and benefits:

Stability and Continuity: Extending the term of service provides stability and continuity in leadership and decision-making. With longer terms, individuals have more time to understand the organization, its policies, and the complex issues at hand. This allows for more effective planning and implementation of long-term strategies without the constant turnover of leadership.

Reduced Disruption: Short-term terms require frequent elections or appointments, which can disrupt the functioning of the organization. By extending the terms to two years, there is less frequent turnover, allowing the organization to maintain momentum and focus on long-term goals.

Enhanced Effectiveness: Longer terms provide the opportunity for leaders to gain deeper knowledge and experience within their roles. They have more time to develop a comprehensive understanding of the organization's objectives, challenges, and dynamics. This allows them to make more informed decisions and take actions that are in the best interest of the organization and its stakeholders.

Increased Efficiency: With longer terms, leaders have more time to work on and complete ongoing projects. They can better manage their time and resources, leading to increased efficiency in achieving organizational goals. Additionally, longer terms provide leaders with the opportunity to build relationships, collaborate with stakeholders, and establish trust, which can lead to smoother decision-making processes.

Cost Savings: Extending the terms to two years can potentially reduce the costs associated with frequent elections or appointments. It saves time, effort, and financial resources that would otherwise be spent on organizing and conducting elections or appointments every year.