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Second Annual Meeting and Organizational Meeting of the ICANN Board Preliminary Report 16 November 2000

The second annual meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors was held on 16 November 2000. At the conclusion of that meeting, five new at-large members of the Board were seated. Following that, an organizational meeting of the new Board was held.

Second Annual Meeting

At the second annual meeting, the following resolutions were adopted:

At Large Membership Study

RESOLVED [00.85], that the staff is directed:

(1) to post for 30 days its recommendations on implementation of Article II, Section 5 of the ICANN Bylaws, calling for an At Large Study,

(2) to solicit public comments on the recommendations, including the structure, composition, timetable, and funding of the study, and

(3) to report to the Board following the conclusion of the 30-day public comment period.

Election of Officers

RESOLVED [00.86], that Michael M. Roberts be, and hereby is, elected as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, to serve at the pleasure of the Board and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation, and shall hold his office until his resignation, removal or other disqualification from service, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

RESOLVED [00.87], that Louis Touton be, and hereby is, elected as Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of the Corporation, to serve at the pleasure of the Board and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation, and shall hold his office until his resignation, removal or other disqualification from service, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

RESOLVED [00.88], that Andrew McLaughlin be, and hereby is, elected Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation, to serve at the pleasure of the Board and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation, and shall hold his office until his resignation, removal or other disqualification from service, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

Selection of New TLD Proposals for Negotiation

Whereas, in resolution 00.46 the Board adopted the Names Council's recommendation that a policy be established for the introduction of new TLDs in a measured and responsible manner;

Whereas, on 3 August 2000 the ICANN staff, acting under the President’s direction, posted a “New TLD Application Process Overview”;

Whereas, on 15 August 2000 the ICANN staff, again acting under the President’s direction, posted Criteria for Assessing TLD Proposals that it would follow in making recommendations to the Board and instructions and forms for the use of applicants in applying to operate or sponsor new TLDs;

Whereas, 47 applications were received by the 2 October 2000 deadline for submission of new TLD applications;

Whereas, the non-confidential portions of the applications were posted and extensive public comments were received on them;

Whereas, on 10 November 2000, a report evaluating the applications prepared by an evaluation team consisting of ICANN staff and outside advisers was posted on the ICANN web site;

Whereas, many additional written comments were received on the web site, by e-mail, and otherwise;

Whereas, several constituencies of the Domain Name Supporting Organization have presented positions to the Board;

Whereas, several hours of applicant and public comments were presented at the in-person ICANN public forum held on 16 November 2000;

RESOLVED [00.89], the Board selects the following proposals for negotiations toward appropriate agreements between ICANN and the registry operator or sponsoring organization, or both: JVTeam (.biz), Afilias (.info), Global Name Registry (.name), RegistryPro (.pro), Museum Domain Management Association (.museum), Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (.aero), Cooperative League of the USA dba National Cooperative Business Association (.coop);

RESOLVED [00.90], the President and General Counsel are authorized to conduct those negotiations on behalf of ICANN and, subject to further Board approval or ratification, to enter into appropriate agreements; and

RESOLVED [00.91], the President and General Counsel are authorized to retain legal and other assistance in support of the negotiations and related activities.

Thanks to Departing Directors

WHEREAS Geraldine Capdeboscq, George Conrades, Greg Crew, Esther Dyson, and Eugenio Triana have served as Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers from October 1998 to November 16, 2000. In fulfilling their duties on the ICANN Board, these five Directors have acted with energy, dedication, and fortitude in attacking the numerous challenges to ICANN during its startup and transition period. Each has made many sacrifices in his professional and personal life in order to participate fully in the resolution of the difficult issues which the Board has addressed.

THEREFORE [00.92], their fellow Directors take this opportunity to express their deepest appreciation to Directors Geraldine Capdeboscq, George Conrades, Greg Crew, Esther Dyson, and Eugenio Triana for their extraordinary service to ICANN and the worldwide Internet community. May unbroken packets and a plenitude of bandwidth bless your future efforts!

Organizational Meeting

At the organizational meeting, the following resolutions were adopted:

Election of the Chairman of the Board

RESOLVED [00.93], that Vinton Cerf is elected as Chairman of the Board to serve at the pleasure of the Board and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation, and shall hold such office until his resignation, removal or other disqualification from service, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

Election of the Vice-Chairman of the Board

RESOLVED [00.94], that Alejandro Pisanty is elected as Vice-Chairman of the Board to serve at the pleasure of the Board and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation, and shall hold such office until his resignation, removal or other disqualification from service, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

Executive Committee of the Board

RESOLVED [00.95], that the Executive Committee (a Committee of the Board) designated in resolution 99.120 is hereby continued. The provisions of resolutions 99.120, 99.121, and 99.122 shall continue to apply to the Executive Committee, except that the members of the Executive Committee, in addition to the Chairman, shall be Alejandro Pisanty, Nii Quaynor, Sang-Hyon Kyong, Hans Kraaijenbrink, and Michael M. Roberts.