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Executive Committee of the ICANN Board - Preliminary Report 19 March 2008

The Executive Committee of the ICANN Board of Directors met via teleconference on 19 March 2008. Chairman Peter Dengate Thrush opened the meeting at 20.00 UTC / 1.00 PM PDT US.

The following Executive Committee Members attended the meeting: Peter Dengate Thrush (Chair), Raimundo Beca, Roberto Gaetano (Vice Chair), and Dr. Paul Twomey. John Jeffrey, General Counsel & Secretary, also attended the Meeting.

The following items were discussed:

A) Approval of Executive Committee Minutes – All Members of the Executive Committee present unanimously approved the minutes of the previous committee meeting from 1 February 2008. The Chairman comments favorably on the posting of the Executive Committee’s minutes and encouraged further improvements in regard to the minutes.

B) Board Meeting Agenda Setting -- Executive Committee unanimously approved (by all members present) the following proposed agenda for the 27/28 March 2008 Special Meeting of the Board:

1) Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes from New Delhi Meeting

2) Discussion of Mid-term Review of the Joint Project Agreement between NTIA and ICANN

3) Discussion of NeuStar and Afilias AGP Modification Proposals

4) Update Discussion on New gTLDs

5) Update Discussion on GNSO Improvements

6) Update Discussions on various Bylaws-Mandated Reviews

7) Update Discussion on Meetings and Budget Issues

8) Update Discussion on Paris ICANN Meeting

9) President’s Report

10) Discussion of Riga Board Workshop Agenda

11) Briefing on Budget and Management Process Reporting

12) Other Business

Additionally, the Committee also indicated that they were interested in other information to be submitted to Board separately, which will not be on this agenda. This material will be circulated to the board prior to the Board meeting on 27/28 March, and matters arising if any can be included under General Business

  • Briefing on PIR DNSSEC Proposal
  • Briefing on IDN Issues

C) Extension of Comment Period for Report of the Board Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group on GNSO Improvements – The Committee acknowledged receipt of a comment from Philip Sheppard on behalf of: The Commercial and Business Users, the Intellectual Property, and the Internet Service and Connection Providers constituencies requesting a 30-day extension of the comment period to 25 April 2008.

The Committee engaged in a detailed discussion about the rationale for the request for extension and agreed unanimously (of all attending) to the following resolution:

Resolved (__), the Executive Committee hereby extends the public comment period on the “Comment Period for Report of the Board Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group on GNSO Improvements” to 25 April 2008, to permit sufficient time for: i) the parties requesting the extension to have sufficient time to provide to the ICANN Board their proposal, including the details of the consultations and nature of the support that they have gathered; and, ii) to allow time for an additional call to the community to file submissions relating to all aspects of the posted report.

Meeting Adjourned at 20.44 PM UTC / 1.44 PDT