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IANA Committee (IC) Minutes 17 February 2011

IC attendees: Kuo-Wei Wu – Chair; Bertrand de La Chapelle, Thomas Narten, Ray Plzak, Katim Touray, and Suzanne Woolf

Other Board attendee: Steve Crocker

Staff Members Present: Joe Abley, Kim Davies, Samantha Eisner, Diane Schroeder, Amy Stathos, and Leo Vegoda

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Minutes Approval Protocol: Received brief staff presentation on the protocol for approving committee meeting minutes either through online approvals or at meetings.

  2. Action Items: Reviewed action items list and provided input to staff on clarifications required for future updates. The IC also discussed the need for coordination among Board committees when addressing items related to the work of one or more other committees. IC members suggested paths forward on achieving approvals to publish current Root Zone management process documentation for public information and requested further updates.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to update the format and deadlines within the action items list to meet IC member comments, including consideration of access to current versions and provision of pointers to historical information for the topics.

      • Staff to provide written report to IC on the status of discussions relating to IC pre-review of delegation/redelegation items.

      • Staff to facilitate internal cross-functional coordination on items of joint interest.

  3. DNSSEC Key Signing Ceremony Update – The IC briefly discussed the quarterly report regarding DNSSEC Key Signing Ceremonies.

    • Action:

      • Staff to provide the IC with the standard email notifications about DNSSEC Key Signing events.

  4. Risk Assessment Updates – Briefly discussed staff paper on risk assessment issues.

    • Action:

      • IC Chair to coordinate with Chair of Board Risk Committee regarding synchronization of reporting and assessment of risks among both committees.

  5. IANA Workplan Update – Received brief informational report from staff on the ongoing work towards the IANA Workplan, including prioritization and budget issues.

  6. Update on DNS Operations Activities – Received a brief staff update on the transferring of the technical management function of IN-ADDR.ARPA to ICANN.

  7. IANA Business Excellence – Received update from staff on the IANA Business Excellence initiative and work towards a self-assessment within 2011.

    • Action:

      • Staff to provide the IC with pointers to the documentation regarding the Business Excellence initiative.

  8. Status of DNAME research – Received a brief report from staff on the status of work on DNAME research, including that some results from the ongoing research are anticipated within March 2011.

  9. Root Zone Automation – Staff made a brief presentation on the status of the Root Zone Automation work, including the history of the work, through to the current stage, and the ongoing coordination to include DNSSEC into the system requirements as well as meeting additional requirements recently identified. The goal is a roll-out in mid 2011, with a focus on stable, continuous operation. The roll-out could be delayed if any additional requirements are specified for the first version.

  10. IPv4 Allocation: Staff provided a brief report on the allocation of the last remaining IPv4 /8 blocks on 3 February 2011, as well as the potential for the media coverage of the event to inform businesses and organizations generally on the urgency of deployment of IPv6. The IC then discussed ideas for addressing items of confusion or concern disseminated throughout the media regarding IPv6.

  11. Additional items of business – The IC noted the import of having a draft report regarding the RPKI strategy and requested a timeline for when staff will provide a draft report. The IC also returned to the discussion of coordination between Board committees on items of joint interest.