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Minutes | Meeting of the Finance Committee of the Board (BFC) | 1 March 2023

BFC Attendees: Harald Alvestrand, Becky Burr, Edmon Chung, Avri Doria, Danko Jevtović (Chair), and León Sánchez

Other Board Member Attendees: Maarten Botterman, James Galvin, Patricio Poblete, and Katrina Sataki

ICANN org Attendees: Ted Bartles (Meeting Production Operations Director), Xavier Calvez (SVP, Planning and Chief Financial Officer), Franco Carrasco (Board Operations Specialist), Peter Eakin (Policy Research Specialist), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), Becky Nash (VP, Planning), Shani Quidwai (Sr. Director, Finance), Ashwin Rangan (SVP, Chief Innovation and Information Officer), Vivek Sengupta (Senior Director, Procurement), Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel), Samuel Suh (VP, Strategic Projects & Back Office Systems), Theresa Swinehart (SVP, Global Domains and Strategy), Gina Villavicencio (SVP, Global Human Resources)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. BFC Workplan - The Committee discussed its workplan, which is on target.
  2. Contracting Approval - ICANN80 Meeting Venue – ICANN org presented the BFC with a proposed hotel and venue engagement for the ICANN80 ICANN Public Meeting. ICANN org performed a thorough analysis of the proposals, as well, as other venues, and prepared a paper to identify those that met the Meeting Location Selection Criteria. Based upon the proposals received and analysis, ICANN org has identified a location and venue for ICANN80. In terms of due diligence, the BFC determined that the procurement process has been followed and that several alternative locations were evaluated against the ICANN meeting selection criteria. The recommended venue adheres to the geographic rotation guidelines established by the Meeting Strategy Working Group. The BFC also determined cost estimates for the location are reasonable and consistent with historical meeting costs. The proposed costs are affordable and will be included in the FY24 Budget. Following discussion, the BFC approved a recommendation to the Board to authorize ICANN org to enter into the hotel and venue contracts for ICANN80.

    • Action: ICANN org to prepare relevant Board materials.
  3. Storage Area Network (SAN) Equipment and Support – ICANN org presented the BFC with a recommendation to enter into a contract for the purchase of new hardware/storage equipment to replace the current equipment that will soon be reaching its end of usable life. ICANN org conducted a Request for Quotation (RFQ) and extensive research to identify the best solution for ICANN. Based upon the bids received and analysis, ICANN org determined the proposed vendor meets all of ICANN's technical requirements for an SAN solution and is the most cost-effective for the org's needs. The BFC determined that the proposed costs are reasonable and affordable and that the procurement process has been followed. Following discussion, the BFC approved a recommendation to the Board to authorize ICANN org to enter into a contract with the proposed vendor for the purchase of new SAN equipment and support.

    • Action: ICANN org to prepare relevant Board materials.
  4. New gTLD Funding Request – ICANN org presented the BFC with a proposal for a US$9 million envelop of funding to support the continuing work on the next round of the New gTLD Program through October 2023. The envelope would provide the funding needed to begin implementation work for Board-approved policy recommendations that are being considered at ICANN76 and further research on other topics such as IT systems, pending policy recommendations, formation of the Implementation Review Team, and program processes. The Draft Operating Plan and Budget that was posted for public comment in 2022 December assumed a preparation phase for the next round of the New gTLD Program US$13 million. The Funding Request of US$9 million presented during this call is replacing the prior assumption. The source for this funding is the remaining funds of the 2012 round of the New gTLD Program. ICANN org noted any funding request beyond 31 October 2023 (ICANN78) will be submitted to the BFC for consideration in a timely manner so that the Committee can make a recommendation to the Board for its consideration at ICANN78.

    • Action: ICANN org to prepare relevant Board materials.

Published on 19 May 2023