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Board Governance Committee (BGC) Minutes 6 May 2009

BGC members present: Roberto Gaetano, Steve Goldstein, Dennis Jennings – chair, and Rita Rodin Johnston

BGC member absent and sends apologies: Demi Getschko

Staff Members Present: Samantha Eisner, John Jeffrey, Diane Schroeder and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussion, actions taken and actions identified:

  • Discussed and unanimously approved minutes from prior meeting.
  • Discussed status of Committee action items identified at prior meeting.
  • Discussed revisions to Board Governance Committee Procedures for Board Nominations to reflect comments from Board and revisions to questionnaire for incoming members. BGC approved the questionnaire. Action: Staff to make further revisions to procedure document.
  • Discussed process for identifying Committee positions for new Board members. Action: Committee Chair to provide recommendations to BGC after receipt of information from incoming members.
  • Discussed tools for tracking of BGC work plan. Action: Staff to provide information to BGC on tracking system and an example of a potential solution, both for BGC feedback; Staff to discuss further with Committee Chair at Board retreat; Staff to provide BGC members with Outlook calendar meeting notifications and research additional tools for calendar integration.
  • Discussed revised proposed Standard Operating Procedures for Communications with Board. Action: BGC to review and provide feedback to Staff via email.
  • Discussed Board induction and training programming and materials. Action: Staff to review training proposals and provide feedback to BGC; Staff to solicit input from Board on idea of training program in Sydney; Staff to review creation of reference library for Board and to provide further information to BGC regarding policies on member expenditures for educational materials; Committee Chair to discuss timing of future training sessions with Board Chair.
  • Discussed process for Board self-assessment. Action: Committee Chair to review documents and produce a proposal for BGC review and comment.
  • Discussed BGC role in identifying Board needs for experience profiles of incoming members. Action: BGC to continue discussion at next meeting.
  • Discussed process for identifying Chair and research and academic representative to the Nominating Committee. Action: Staff to provide BGC with a description of past practices.
  • Discussed BGC role in providing strategic advice to the Board regarding efficiencies in working within a growing multi-stakeholder organization. Action: Committee member to draft note for BGC review and discussion.