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Approved Board Resolutions 30 September 2004

Meeting No. 10/2004

Item 1 – ICANN Meetings Selection

Whereas, the ICANN Meetings Committee, under its charter to consult with the President and staff on selection of sites for the Board's regular meetings recommends that the President accept the proposal from The Argentine Chamber of Databases and Online Services (CABASE) to host the ICANN Meeting commencing on 4 April 2005 in Mar del Plat, Argentina.

Whereas, the ICANN Meetings Committee, under its charter to consult with the President and staff on selection of sites for the Board's regular meetings recommends that the President accept the proposal from the Luxembourg Chapter of the Internet Society; the Media and Telecommunications Department of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg; and, the Restena Foundation to host the ICANN Meeting commencing on 11 July 2005 in Luxembourg.

Resolved [04.79] that the President is authorized to make arrangements for the Latin America - April 2005 ICANN Meeting to be held in Mar del Plat, Argentina, during 4-8 April 2005.

Resolved [04.80] that the President is authorized to make arrangements for the Europe - July 2005 ICANN Meeting to be held in Luxembourg, during 11-15 July 2005.

Item 2 – Authorization to Purchase Technical Equipment

Whereas, the ICANN President and CTO have produced a proposal to purchase equipment necessary for upgrading the current office infrastructure, and the proposal presented will seek to eliminate current infrastructure problems as well as supporting projected staff growth, IPv6, and VoIP deployment.

Resolved [04.81] that the President is authorized to appropriate $125,000 USD from the allocated portions of ICANN's current budget to purchase equipment necessary for upgrading the current office infrastructure, including making purchases in excess of $50,000 USD from one or more single vendors.

Item 3 – AFRINIC Provisional Approval

Whereas ICANN has previously adopted a set of procedures and standards for the receipt and evaluation of applications for recognition as a regional Internet registry (RIR), as authorized by the Board in resolution 01.68;

Whereas an application for recognition, together with a detailed transition plan – including draft bylaws, policies, funding model, and staff resumes – have been submitted to ICANN by the ARRINIC organization;

Whereas the President has conducted a preliminary evaluation and concluded that the application and transition plan constitute a reasonable basis for eventual recognition, while noting that some adjustments might be necessary;

Resolved [04.82] that the Board gives its provisional approval to the AFRINIC application for recognition and transition plan, with the expectation that the transition plan will be completed and an amended or revised application for recognition will be submitted; and

Resolved [04.83] that the President is directed to continue working closely with AFRINIC, ARIN, RIPE, and APNIC, through the NRO, to assist in a smooth transition and the preparation of a revised application for full recognition of AFRINIC in conformance with the criteria set forth in ICP-2 and the then current version of the ASO Memorandum of Understanding.

Item 4 – Modification of .BIZ Registry Agreement regarding Billing Rules

Whereas, Neulevel, the Registry Operator for .BIZ, requested formally on August 28, 2004 a change in their registry agreement that requires them to charge registrars at the beginning of the auto-renewal period.

Whereas, Neulevel has requested that the process for the .BIZ registry will be modified as follows: 1) The registry will not charge the registrar, nor renew the name, until either the registrar is submitting a renewal command to the registry, or until the end of the 45 days auto-renew grace period (assuming the domain has not been deleted within this period). 2) The Whois information display of domain names expiration date will be synchronized with the registrar's database, and synchronized with the decision made by the registrant.

Resolved [04.84] that the Board of Directors should allow ICANN President and General Counsel to negotiate and enter into such amendment of the .BIZ Registry Agreement with Neulevel as necessary to allow for appropriate changes to the agreement's billing rules provisions.

Item 5 – Modification of .PRO Registry Agreement regarding Personal Data Verification

Whereas, Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro requested per 10 August 2004 an amendment to the .PRO Registry Agreement to perform an out-of-band communication step when authenticating a registrant's personal information.

Whereas, ICANN Staff, ICANN Board Members and Liaisons and RegistryPro executives engaged in analysis and discussion regarding the appropriate adjustments to the contractual provisions governing personal data verification.

Whereas, RegistryPro intends to consult with the .PRO Advisory Board to choose adequate verification mechanisms for the current and future profession specific TLD's.

Resolved [04.85] that the Board of Directors should allow ICANN's President and General Counsel to negotiate and enter into such an amendment of the .PRO Registry Agreement with RegistryPro allowing for the adoption of other equivalent verification mechanisms to be used for personal data verification.