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On WHOIS Privacy & Proxy Services

10 juillet 2015
Par David Olive

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  • English

There's been a lot of discussion recently about a proposal that states ICANN would place limitations on privacy/proxy services, so I'd like to address some of the concerns raised and what the policy development steps are as we move forward.

On 5 May 2015, the Privacy/Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) Working Group (of the Generic Names Supporting Organization) published its Initial Report, which was made available for public comment here:

In this Initial Report, the Working Group requested comments on a proposal made by some Working Group members regarding prohibitions on privacy/proxy services for domains actively used for commercial transactions.

I want to be clear that this isn't current ICANN policy, and would only become policy if supported by community consensus, with an affirmative vote first by the GNSO Council and adoption by the ICANN Board. These steps are laid out in the GNSO's Policy Development Process. It's also important to understand that the Working Group's proposal states it is not currently supported by most Working Group members.

Community input – the public comments many of you submitted – will help the Working Group reach consensus on the proposed prohibitions and all its other recommendations for its Final Report.

Public comments form an important, and mandatory, part of the ICANN policy development process. They are also a critical element in ICANN's multistakeholder model and, as is the case with all public comments, we encourage everyone to voice their opinion through this channel.

The public comment for this report closed on 7 July and an ICANN Staff report on all public comments is due on 21 July.


David Olive

David Olive