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Ombudsman Investigation about Compliance Complaint Handling

4 septembre 2013
Par Office of the Ombudsman

Ce contenu est uniquement disponible en

  • English

I have recently received a substantial number of very similar complaints relying upon a report prepared by one of the complainants, in relation to the way in which complaints are processed by Compliance at ICANN in relation to fraudulently registered domains. A list of complaints has been provided by all of the complainants, which is the same list, and the standard form request has been to investigate the handling of the listed complaints. I thought it appropriate therefore to make a brief blog entry about this matter so that the complainants are aware that I have received the complaints and that I am investigating this matter. I have already reached out to Compliance, and had some discussions and asked for material to be provided to assist me in this investigation. If there are any other persons who wish to participate in the investigation they are welcome to contact me. My email address is of course


One of the complainants has added as follows:-

Saw the blog entry, I have one correction. You have written that ” A list of complaints has been provided by all of the complainants, which is the same list.” Each report has a different list which is specific to the person reporting. There are master lists in and

which are the total results from all participants, but the individual reports only have items which directly affected them.


Office of the Ombudsman