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Location of Third ICANN Meeting for 2007

17 mai 2007

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  • English

ICANN advises that the public meeting scheduled to be held from 29 October through 2 November 2007 will take place in Los Angeles, California, USA.

ICANN holds three public meetings each year. The location of these meetings are rotated through the five ICANN regions and selected on the basis of proposals received from various local groups interested in hosting the meeting. The announced region for the location of the October 2007 meeting was Asia Pacific. A review of proposals from two potential hosts determined that it was not possible to proceed at this time due to various logistical issues. ICANN examined a number of non-hosted locations in the Asia Pacific in attempt to adhere to the Asia Pacific rotation. Again, for reasons of logistics, cost and seasonal demand, it proved extremely difficult to find a location. Given this situation it has been decided to locate this meeting in Los Angeles. Without a host this maximizes the capacity of staff to resource the event in an efficient and economical way. The location is also a major travel hub and the quantity of hotel accommodation means that this should prove to be a less expensive meeting than some other options.

ICANN recognizes that, following the upcoming meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this means two meetings in a row held in the United States. As a result, ICANN today is posting a request for proposal to host ICANN meetings in 2008, as well as the dates and rotations for meetings to be held in 2009 and 2010. As part of this posting, ICANN has modified the rotation to designate the region for the first meeting in 2008 as Asia Pacific. The next scheduled North American meeting has been removed from the rotation. Due to the increased participation at the ICANN meetings, significant changes have been made to the requirements to host an ICANN meeting, with ICANN assuming more responsibility for planning and finances. Proposals to host the three 2008 meetings will be accepted through 15 June 2007. The 2008 – 2010 meeting rotation schedule can be found at and the request for proposal to host ICANN meetings in 2008 can be found at Questions regarding hosting a meeting should be addressed to the ICANN meeting staff at

Further details about this meeting will be forthcoming and made available on the ICANN Website.