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ICANN Nominating Committee Announces Work Plan

22 mars 2003

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  • English

Message from the Nominating Committee:

Greetings from the ICANN Nominating Committee. All but two of the Committee members have been selected and are fully engaged in the Committee's work. The Nominating Committe will be selecting individuals to serve as ICANN Board Directors, GNSO Council members, and At-Large Advisory Committee members. We aim to complete these selections by the Montreal ICANN meeting in late June 2003.

At this time NomCom extends an invitation to members of the Internet community to think about the positions to be filled, potential candidates they might recommend, and their own interest in volunteering a Statement of Interest in being considered.

By the end of March the Nominating Committee expects to be ready to extend a Formal Call for Recommendations and Statements of Interest for the positions to be filled. When that Formal Call is issued, it will describe the specific information needed by Nominating Committee in these communications, and will describe how the process will work. NomCom plans to complete the development of most of its procedures by the end of March/early April. The Committee's procedures will be published on the Nominating Committee's homepage.

In the meantime, members of Internet Community are encouraged to review the relevant sections in the Bylaws about the (1) ICANN Mission and Core Values, (2) the roles of Directors, GNSO Council members, and ALAC members; (3) the criteria, qualifications, and eligibility factors for these positions; (4) the Nominating Committee; and (5) the Transition to the New Board so that their Recommendations and Statements of Interest will be well focused and clearly meet the applicable requirements.

As you will see below,. NomCom is working under difficult time constraints. We will be grateful for your cooperation in responding promptly to the Formal Call for Recommendations and Statements of Interest when it is issued.

Please see below for more information on:

I. Major Milestones and Preliminary Schedule
II. Charge adopted by the Nominating Committee
III. Composition of the Nominating Committee (to date)

Further information will be forthcoming as the Nominating Committee progresses in its tasks.

Best wishes,
Linda Wilson, Chair
ICANN Nominating Committee
March 20, 2003

I. Major Milestones and Preliminary Schedule

Milestones Preliminary Schedule
Formal Call for Recommendations and Statements of Interest End of March
Closing Date for Submissions to Be Assured of Full Consideration End of April
Final Selection Made End of May

II. Charge Adopted by the Nominating Committee

"The Nominating Committee of ICANN is responsible for the selection of all ICANN Directors except the President and those Directors selected by ICANN's Supporting Organizations, and for such other selections as are set forth in the Bylaws. For the selection of Directors, the Bylaws set forth criteria for selection, additional qualifications, international representation, diversity, terms of service, and eligibility factors. Certain of these criteria are also applicable for the other selections the Nominating Committee is asked to make. The Bylaws also set forth criteria for selection of Nominating Committee Delegates, and state some specific requirements for the GNSO Council and At Large Advisory Committeel (ALAC) selections made by the Nominating Committee.

The Bylaws also state that the Nominating Committee shall adopt such operating procedures as it deems necessary, which shall be published on the Website.

The Nominating Committee is designed to function independently from the Board, the Supporting Organizations, and Advisory Committees. Nominating Committee members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community and within the scope of the ICANN mission and responsibilities assigned to it by the ICANN Bylaws.

Members contribute to the Nominating Committee both their understanding of the broad interests of the Internet as a whole and their knowledge and experience of the concerns and interests of the Internet constituencies which have appointed them. The challenge for the Nominating Committee is to integrate these perspectives and derive consensus in its selections. Although appointed by Supporting Organizations and other ICANN entities, individual Nominating Committee members are not accountable to their appointing constituencies. Members are, of course, accountable for adherence to the Bylaws and for compliance with the rules and procedures established by the Nominating Committee."

III. Nominating Committee Composition (to date)

Christian Ahlert, Mark Bohannon, Leopoldo Brandt, Pavan Duggal, Bret Fausett, Grant Forsyth, Henning Grote, Don Heath, Didier Kasole, Ram Mohan, Mike Roberts, Mike St. Johns, Anthony Staley, Marc Schneiders, Antonio Tavares, German Valzdez, Danny Weitzner, Christopher Wilkinson, Linda Wilson (Chair), and Pindar Wong (Associate Chair).