Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)

The SSAC is a volunteer group of specialists in the technical security field that provides advice and insight to the ICANN community and the Board.

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SAC037 | Executive Summary for Display and usage of Internationalized Registration Data: Support for characters from local languages or scripts

[PDF, 897 KB]

Many Internet applications today support characters from local languages, alphabets or scripts. Support for characters from local languages, alphabets or scripts affects how information is displayed to Internet users and how users submit information to applications via data entry methods including command lines and web forms.

This document examines how the use of characters from local scripts affects the Internet user experience with respect to domain name registration data submission, usage, and display. The paper presents examples of what users may encounter today when they access Registration Rata via WHOIS or via the web. The document examines the issues related to supporting characters from local scripts in the context of current and future applications that various parties (e.g., registrars, registries, third parties) provide for the submission, usage and display of domain names and Registration Data.