Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)

The SSAC is a volunteer group of specialists in the technical security field that provides advice and insight to the ICANN community and the Board.

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SSAC Correspondence

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SSAC Participation in the ICANN Nominating Committee (English) (pdf, 73.87 KB)2018-26 2018-26 Community
13 Nov 2018
13 Nov 2018
SSAC Approval of the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Final Report (English) (pdf, 66.76 KB)2018-25 2018-25 Community
3 Oct 2018
3 Oct 2018
Response to the Request for Participation in the ICANN Fellowship Program (English) (pdf, 50.17 KB)2018-24 2018-24 Community
14 Sep 2018
14 Sep 2018
Notice of Appointment of SSAC Representative to the IANA Naming Function Review (English) (pdf, 50.28 KB)2018-23 2018-23 Community
12 Sep 2018
12 Sep 2018
Notice of Appointment of SSAC Liaison to the Nominating Committee of ICANN (English) (pdf, 51 KB)2018-22 2018-22 Community
12 Sep 2018
12 Sep 2018
Input to EPDP Team (English) (pdf, 72.75 KB)2018-21 2018-21 Community
24 Aug 2018
24 Aug 2018
Request to Appoint David Piscitello to the SSAC (English) (pdf, 68.09 KB)2018-20 2018-20 Community
3 Aug 2018
3 Aug 2018
SSAC Comment on Long-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline of Reviews (English) (pdf, 60.85 KB)2018-19 2018-19 Community
24 Jul 2018
24 Jul 2018
SSAC Comment on Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews (English) (pdf, 69.5 KB)2018-18 2018-18 Community
24 Jul 2018
24 Jul 2018
SSAC Input to the Chartering of GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process on Temporary Specification of gTLD Registration Data (English) (pdf, 99.06 KB)2018-17 2018-17 Community
26 Jun 2018
26 Jun 2018
Draft Assessment Report of the Independent Examiner (English) (pdf, 90.87 KB)2018-16 2018-16 Community
13 Jun 2018
13 Jun 2018
Review of IDN Implementation Guidelines (English) (pdf, 81.39 KB)2018-15 2018-15 Security, Stability, and Resiliency
11 Jun 2018
11 Jun 2018
Request to Appoint Timothy April to the SSAC (English) (pdf, 70.44 KB)2018-14 2018-14 Community
1 Jun 2018
1 Jun 2018
Response Regarding the Actions of the ICANN Nominating Committee (English) (pdf, 73.07 KB)2018-13 2018-13 Community
9 May 2018
9 May 2018
SSAC Comments on the Independent Review of the ICANN Nominating Committee Draft Final Report (English) (pdf, 70.39 KB)2018-12 2018-12 Community
7 May 2018
7 May 2018
Notice of Appointment of SSAC Liaison to the Nominating Committee of ICANN (English) (pdf, 65.54 KB)2018-11 2018-11 Community
23 Apr 2018
23 Apr 2018
Notice of Appointment of SSAC liaison to ICANN Board (English) (pdf, 67.7 KB)2018-10 2018-10 Community
11 Apr 2018
11 Apr 2018
Request to Appoint Andrey Kolesnikov to the SSAC (English) (pdf, 73.19 KB)2018-09 2018-09 Community
9 Apr 2018
9 Apr 2018
Additional Funding Request for ICANN FY19 Budget (English) (pdf, 68.28 KB)2018-08 2018-08 Community
7 Mar 2018
7 Mar 2018
Board Cover Letter of SSAC Proposal for the Name Collision Analysis Project (English) (pdf, 62.33 KB)2018-07 2018-07 Security, Stability, and Resiliency
28 Feb 2018
28 Feb 2018