Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: Nabil Benamar
Date:11 May 2022
Affiliation: TF-AIDNs
1. Are the individual script proposals created by the Generation Panels (available here) correctly integrated into RZ-LGR-5?

If ‘No’, please explain why.

I would suggest to add this reference in the text. It would be useful to add it in the description part.

2. In your view, are there any required technical changes to RZ-LGR-5? Please list them with an explanation.

Wrong code point name found in the comment of the rule "no-mix-teh-marbuta-goal”.

It should be updated from “WLE Rule 8: do not mix Arabic letters TEH MARBUTA and FEH WITH DOT MOVED BELOW in the same label" to 

"WLE Rule 8: do not mix Arabic letters TEH MARBUTA and TEH MARBUTA GOAL in the same label”.

Summary of Attachment

I would recommend to publish this document with some minor revision.

Summary of Submission

I would recommend to publish this document with some minor revision.