Public Comment

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Name: puneet agarwal
Date:19 Apr 2022
Summary of Submission

My Comments on the udrp-

1 ) Compensation must be given to domain registrant when a reverse domain name hijacking by the complainant is proved. Penalty must be levied upon the complainant in this case.

2 ) Defendant must be given an option of rejecting the panelist / approving the panelist when a single member panelist is alloted fo the udrp proceeding.

3 ) All the Indian udrp cases where complainant and defendant both are Indian must NOT be given to Panelist Mrs Harini Narayanswami. Many of her udrp decisions are flawed and she seems biased towards big Indian corporates where they targer Indian domainers. Full review of all the udrp cases presided over by Mrs Harini Narayanswami must be done. She has given lot of flawed judgements ignoring the points validated by other panelists in other udrp cases.