Public Comment

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Name: Patrick Flaherty
Date:2 Jul 2024
Affiliation: Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC)
Other Comments

Please see the attached comments submitted by the Intellectual Property Constituency.

Summary of Attachment

The IPC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Policy Status Report (PSR) assessing the effectiveness of the policy development processes proposed by the Policy and Implementation Working Group (PIWG).  See attachment in lieu of completing this form.

Summary of Submission

The IPC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Policy Status Report (PSR) assessing the effectiveness of the policy development processes proposed by the Policy and Implementation Working Group (PIWG). We generally agree with the PSR and believe these mechanisms provide important support for and provide essential principles and guidelines for processes which support and expedite policy development and implementation of those policies. These mechanisms also establish important "guardrails" that allow GNSO Councilors to raise an issue at the Council level as to what is being decided within ICANN Org in regard to implementation of GNSO Policy.


The IPC believes the GIP, GGP, and EPDP procedures, and IRT Principles and Guidelines help streamline the policy development process where the issues have been scoped, providing input or insight into the implementation of policy by Org, and establish some essential tools and procedures for resolving issues that arise in relation to GNSO Policy during implementation, regardless of whether such issues are characterized as policy or implementation.


We agree with the PSR that these mechanisms and principles have proven effective in supporting and enhancing GNSO policy and implementation efforts, and believe they should all be retained. We encourage the team reviewing the PSR, however, to consider possible improvements in these mechanisms.