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Submissions for this Proceeding

Initial Report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism

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Initial Report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Submission - Policy staff in support of the At-Large Community, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
23 January 2023

Submission Summary:

The ALAC commends the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Policy Development Process Review Mechanism Working Group on completing the initial report and would like to offer its support to the included recommendations. 

The ALAC would like to stress the importance of ensuring that any review mechanism process does not result in end user confusion or inconvenience. 

Country Code Top-Leve...

Initial Report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Submission - Saad, Nojus
12 December 2022

Submission Summary:

The community needs more transparency, diversity, and multi-stakeholder management of the operations of the ccTLD PDPs and specifically the operators - especially prioritizing the integration of a Digital rights strategy and principle that ensures the privacy, security and inclusivity of ccTLD end-users.

Initial Report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Submission - Hossain, Md Jahangir
08 December 2022

Submission Summary:

We appreciated the initiative of ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism but need to ensure that the current delegation or assignment ccTLDs should not be Transfer, Retirement, Revocation until ccTLDs delegator/manager requested for Transfer, Retirement, Revocation based on policy developed by the ccNSO.

Initial Report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Submission - NIC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UKGBNI)
05 December 2022

Submission Summary:

ccNSO PDP Submission - NIC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UKGBNI)