Public Comment

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Name: Benjamin Akinmoyeje
Date:11 Sep 2023
Affiliation: Noncommercial Users Constituency
Guidance Recommendation 1
Support Recommendation as written
If you support the intent of Guidance Recommendation 1 but think it requires a wording change, please provide your revised wording and reason here.

Are there any comments or issues you would like to raise pertaining to the Rationale for Guidance Recommendation 1? If yes, please provide your comments here.

The NCUC especially agrees with the Implementation Guidance. At ICANN76, I (Benjamin) discussed my thoughts on the importance of reaching out to some of the listed categories of potential applicants and that seems to be reflected in the implementation guidance. 

Guidance Recommendation 2
Support Recommendation as written
Are there any comments or issues you would like to raise pertaining to the Rationale for Guidance Recommendation 2? If yes, please provide your comments here.

We would like to see the GGP respond to Rec 17.2, as it is potentially related to this recommendation despite the GGP declaring it to be out of their scope as it is an important, complementary program to the pro-bono services.

I believe that it is essential for ICANN to communicate the availability of pro bono services for gTLD applications and to seek feedback as to whether they are useful. 

Guidance Recommendation 3
Support Recommendation as written
Guidance Recommendation 4
Support Recommendation as written
Are there any comments or issues you would like to raise pertaining to the Rationale for Guidance Recommendation 4? If yes, please provide your comments here.

Measuring understanding of the application requirements and evaluation process as metrics of success are very important because different developing countries (like in Africa) might require different approaches in outreach and awareness, including the use of multiple languages to deliver some of the goals outlined in the report.

Guidance Recommendation 5
Support Recommendation as written
Guidance Recommendation 6
Support Recommendation as written
Guidance Recommendation 7
Support Recommendation as written
Guidance Recommendation 8
Support Recommendation as written
Guidance Recommendation 9
Support Recommendation as written
Summary of Submission

The NCUC thanks the GGP for their great work to improve applicant support for the New gTLD Next Round. The NCUC strongly aligns with the position of NCSG views.

We reiterate that a conscious effort to ensure that outreach efforts get to stakeholders in underdeveloped areas, like Africa, and noncommercial and not-for-profit organizations would be necessary for a successful new round of the gTLDs .