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Special Meeting of the Board Preliminary Report 31 July 2001

(Posted 31 July 2001)

The ICANN Board of Directors held a meeting by teleconference on 31 July 2001. Directors Vint Cerf (chairman), Amadeu Abril i Abril, Karl Auerbach, Ivan Moura Campos, Jonathan Cohen, Phil Davidson, Frank Fitzsimmons, Ken Fockler, Masanobu Katoh, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Sang-Hyon Kyong, Stuart Lynn, Andy Mueller-Maguhn, Jun Murai (joined while call in progress and departed before conclusion), Nii Quaynor (joined while call in progress), Helmut Schink, and Linda S. Wilson participated. The Board adopted the following resolutions:

Thanks to Stockholm Hosts and Sponsors

(Adopted 15-0, with Jun Murai and Nii Quaynor not yet present.)

Whereas, ICANN's June meetings in Stockholm were an outstanding success, marked by marvelous hospitality, excellent organization, superb facilities, and a remarkable 20 hours of sunlight daily;

Whereas, the local host committee worked tirelessly to make the Stockholm meetings efficient, effective, and friendly;

Whereas, the local sponsors made possible a wonderful mix of social events, where the real work can get done;

Resolved [01.75] that the Board and staff express their sincere thanks to all members of the local host committee and to the Stockholm meeting sponsors: The Foundation for Internet Infrastructure (IIS.SE), Ericsson, ISOC, ISOC-SE, Tele2, The Museum Domain Management Association, The Swedish Museum of Natural History, The City of Stockholm, Real Names, Native Names, VeriSign, NeuLevel, and Registry Pro.

Tack så mycket!

.name Registry Agreement

(Adopted 14-2, with Amadeu Abril i Abril and Andy Mueller-Maguhn voting against and Jun Murai having left the call.)

Whereas, the posting of the .name registry agreements, with all its appendices, was completed on 3 July 2001;

Whereas, under resolution 01.25 seven days were allowed for Board members to make any additional comments on the agreements to the President and General Counsel;

Whereas, Amadeu Abril i Abril made an objection to the proposed SLD e-mail forwarding service within that period and the Board has discussed it;

Resolved [01.76], that the President is authorized to enter the .name registry agreement, with any minor, non-substantive corrections as the President determines are consistent with the intention of the agreements as posted; and

Further resolved [01.77], that the President is authorized to implement the agreements once they are signed, including by accrediting registrars for the .name top-level domain (in that regard, registrars already accredited and in good standing for .biz, .com, .info, .net, or .org may be accredited for .name without additional qualifying procedures upon entering an accreditation agreement that the President determines is consistent with the existing accreditation agreement for .biz, .com, .info, .net, and .org).