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Preliminary Report | Special Meeting of the Board 20 January 2003

(Posted 20 January 2003)

ICANN's Transition Board of Directors held a meeting by teleconference on 20 January 2003. Directors Vint Cerf (chairman), Amadeu Abril i Abril, Karl Auerbach, Ivan Moura Campos, Jonathan Cohen (joined the meeting while in progress), Mouhamet Diop (joined the meeting while in progress), Masanobu Katoh (joined the meeting while in progress), Sang-Hyon Kyong, Stuart Lynn, Andy Mueller-Maguhn, Alejandro Pisanty (joined the meeting while in progress), Nii Quaynor, Helmut Schink, Francisco da Silva, and Linda S. Wilson participated. The Board adopted the following resolutions:

Approval of Minutes

Resolved [03.01] that the minutes of the organizational meeting of the Transition Board held on 15 December 2002 are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as presented.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 10-0-1 vote, with Mr. Auerbach abstaining.)

Resolved [03.02] that the minutes of the meeting of the Old Board held on 18 November 2002 are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as presented.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 10-0-1 vote, with Mr. da Silva abstaining.)

Resolved [03.03] that the minutes of the meeting of the Old Board held on 2 December 2002 are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as presented.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 9-0-2 vote, with Mr. Auerbach and Mr. da Silva abstaining.)

Carthage Meeting

Whereas, in resolution 02.154 the Board authorized the President to make arrangements for an ICANN meeting to be held in Carthage, Tunisia, on 1-5 December 2003;

Whereas, the President has reported that logistical problems with the venue preclude holding the meeting on 1-5 December 2003 and has recommended that the meeting dates be moved to 27-31 October 2003, at the same location;

Resolved [03.04] that the President is authorized to make arrangements for holding an ICANN meeting in Carthage, Tunisia, on 27-31 October 2003.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 13-0-0 vote.)

Audit Committee

Resolved [03.05], that there be continued the Audit Committee of the Board, to continue on the basis of the Charter adopted in resolution 00.23, with the following membership: Helmut Schink is appointed to serve as the chair and Lyman Chapin, Mouhamet Diop, and Jun Murai are appointed to serve as the committee's other members.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 13-0-0 vote.)

Conflict-of-Interest Committee

Resolved [03.06], that there be continued the Committee of the Board of Directors on Conflicts of Interest, with the following membership: Amadeu Abril i Abril is appointed to serve as the chair and Karl Auerbach and Jonathan Cohen hereby are appointed to serve as the committee's other members.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 14-0-1 vote, with Mr. Cohen abstaining.)

Interim At-Large Advisory Committee

Whereas, Article XX, Section 7(5)(a) of the New Bylaws that went into effect on 15 December 2002 provides for the establishment of an Interim At-Large Advisory Committee, to serve until such time as ICANN recognizes, through the entry of a Memorandum of Understanding, the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) identified in Article XI, Section 2(4) of the New Bylaws;

Whereas, Article XX, Section 7(5)(a) of the New Bylaws provides that the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee shall initially be composed of ten individuals (two from each ICANN region) selected by the ICANN Board following nominations by the At-Large Organizing Committee (with the later addition of five additional individuals selected by the Nominating Committee);

Whereas, the At-Large Organizing Committee has provided a list of nominees for the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee by letter on 9 December 2002 and supplemented on 6, 9, 16, and 17 January 2003;

Resolved [03.07] that the Board selects the following ten individuals to serve as members of the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee:

African Region
Pierre Dandjinou (Benin)
Clement Dzidonu (Ghana)

Asia/Pacific Region
Izumi Aizu (Japan)
Xue Hong (China)

European Region
Vittorio Bertola (Italy)
Thomas Roessler (Germany)

Latin America/Caribbean Region
Erick Iriarte Ahon (Peru)
Sebastián Ricciardi (Argentina)

North American Region
Esther Dyson (United States)
Wendy Seltzer (United States)

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 15-0-0 vote.)

Nominating Committee

Whereas, on 15 December 2002 ICANN's New Bylaws came into effect;

Whereas, Article VII and Article XX, Section 2(4) of those bylaws call for a Nominating Committee to be formed promptly, to be headed by a non-voting Chair, appointed by the ICANN Board;

Resolved [03.08] that Linda Wilson is appointed under Article VII, Section 2(1) of the New Bylaws as the Chair of the first Nominating Committee, to serve until the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in 2003 or until her earlier resignation, removal, or other disqualification from service;

Resolved further [03.09] that the Chair of the first Nominating Committee is authorized to appoint a person of her choosing as Vice-Chair, to assist her in the direction of the Nominating Committee, in lieu of the service of the immediately preceding Nominating Committee Chair as a non-voting advisor, as is contemplated for subsequent Nominating Committees by Article VII, Section 2(2) of the New Bylaws;

Resolved further [03.10] that the President is directed to provide such staff and other support to the Nominating Committee as he determines, in consultation with the Chair of the Nominating Committee, to be appropriate to the discharge of its functions.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 12-1-1 vote, with Mr. Auerbach voting against and Mr. Mueller-Maguhn abstaining.)