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Special Meeting of the Board Preliminary Report 13 May 2002

Posted 13 May 2002

The ICANN Board of Directors held a meeting by teleconference on 13 May 2002. Directors Vint Cerf (chairman), Karl Auerbach, Rob Blokzijl, Ivan Moura Campos, Lyman Chapin, Jonathan Cohen, Masanobu Katoh, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Stuart Lynn, Jun Murai, Alejandro Pisanty (joined meeting while in progress), and Linda S. Wilson participated. The Board adopted the following resolutions:

Approval of Minutes

Resolved [02.62] that the minutes of the meetings of the Board held on 2 April 2001, 7 May 2001, and 31 July 2001 are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as presented and the miutes of the meeting of the Board held on 21 January 2002 are approved and adopted by the Board as corrected.

Security Committee

Whereas, in resolution 01.117, the Board directed the President to appoint a standing committee on the security and stability of the Internet's naming and address allocation systems ("President's Committee on Security and Stability") and to propose a charter, developed in consultation with the committee, for approval by the Board;

Whereas, the President has appointed Dr. Stephen Crocker as chair of the President's Committee on Security and Stability and has appointed the following persons as members: Alain Aina (Consultant), Jaap Akkerhuis (SIDN), Doug Barton (Yahoo!), Steve Bellovin (AT&T), Rob Blokzijl (RIPE), David Conrad (Nominum), Daniel Karrenberg (RIPE-NCC), Mark Kosters (VeriSign), Allison Mankin (ISI), Ram Mohan (Afilias), Russ Mundy (Network Associates Laboratories), Jun Murai (Keio University), Frederico Neves (, Ray Plzak (ARIN), Doron Shikmoni (ForeScout, ISOC-IL), Ken Silva (VeriSign), Bruce Tonkin (Melbourne IT), Paul Vixie (ISC), and Rick Wesson (Alice's Registry);

Whereas, the President developed a charter for the committee in consultation with the committee's members;

Whereas, the Board approved the charter in resolution 02.27;

Whereas, in view of the importance of sound advice on security and stability issues in guiding the Board's actions, it appears appropriate to convert the President's Committee on Security and Stability into an advisory committee to the Board;

Resolved [02.63], the Security and Stability Advisory Committee is hereby established as an advisory committee under Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws, replacing the President's Committee on Security and Stability;

Resolved [02.64], the Security and Stability Advisory Committee shall have the charter that was approved in resolution 02.27; and

Resolved [02.65], that the chair and members of the President's Committee on Security and Stability, as stated above, are hereby appointed as the chair and members of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee.

MoU for .bi ccTLD

Whereas, negotiators for Centre National de l'Informatique, and ICANN have reached agreement, subject to the ICANN Board's approval, on the terms of an ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding for the .bi top-level domain according to the model memorandum of understanding for bilateral situations as posted on the ICANN web site, adapted to the particular circumstances of the .bi top-level domain;

Whereas, the President and General Counsel have presented the ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding to the Board and recommended that the Board authorize its entry as negotiated;

Resolved [02.66] that the President is authorized to enter on behalf of ICANN the ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding for .bi as presented to the Board, along with any minor corrections or adjustments as appropriate;

Resolved [02.67] that, upon signature of the memorandum, the President is authorized to take such actions as appropriate to implement it.

Other Matters

The Board also received reports on ICANN's finances, the evolution and reform process, and the .org request for proposals. It preliminarily discussed arrangements for the Bucharest meeting. It did not take formal action on these matters.