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Minutes | Special Meeting of the Board 20 December 2004

A Special Meeting of the ICANN's Board of Directors was held via teleconference on 20 December 2004 and was called to order at 5:10AM (Pacific Standard Time (PST), California). Chairman Vinton G. Cerf presided over the entire meeting. The following other Board Directors participated in all or part of the meeting: Raimundo Beca, Mouhamet Diop, Joichi Ito, Veni Markovski, Thomas Niles, Michael D. Palage, Alejandro Pisanty, Hualin Qian and Paul Twomey.

The following Board Liaisons participated in all or part of the meeting: Roberto Gaetano, At Large Advisory Committee Liaison; John Klensin, IETF Liaison; Francisco A. Jesus Silva, Technical Liaison Group Liaison; Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, Governmental Advisory Committee Liaison; and Suzanne Woolf, Root Server System Advisory Committee Liaison.

John Jeffrey, General Counsel and Board Secretary participated in the meeting. The following ICANN staff members also participated in the meeting: Kurt J. Pritz, Vice President of Business Operations; Theresa Swinehart, General Manager, Global Partnerships; and, Paul Verhoef, Vice President, Policy Development Support.

Chairman Vint Cerf made some opening remarks and then the Board engaged in discussion regarding the following item regarding ICANN's proposed support for the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). Theresa Swinehart presented the proposal for support of the WGIG and the accompanying resolution. After discussion among board members and staff, Vint Cerf moved for a vote on the resolutions below and Alejandro Pisanty and Veni Markovski both seconded. The resolution proposed was the following:

Whereas, the ICANN community has undertaken much work related to the WSIS;

Whereas, the ICANN community, including the At-Large Advisory Committee, Business Constituency, ISP Constituency, Country Code Top Level Domains, Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and the NRO, gTLD Registries, and Registrars, have engaged and participated in the WSIS discussions;

Whereas, the ICANN WSIS Workshop Planning Group, consisting of representation from ICANN's stakeholders, has effectively engaged the ICANN community in discussion of issues surrounding WSIS, and planned the highly attended and well-received workshops on WSIS at past ICANN meetings;

Whereas, the WSIS Workshop Planning Group invited Mr. Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator, Secretariat of the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), to attend its sessions for the ICANN Meeting in Kuala Lumpur and in Cape Town, and invited Mr. Nitin Desai, WGIG Chair, and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for the World Summit on Information Society, to the ICANN meeting in Cape Town;

Whereas, there are several members of the ICANN community, serving in their own capacities, on the WGIG, and also active in WSIS caucuses and other groups and events related to WSIS;

Whereas, ICANN believes that the debate in the WSIS, and the work of the WGIG, is important to an improved and better understanding of the Internet;

Whereas, ICANN and the Internet community will continue to follow carefully the developments in the WGIG and the WSIS, and only reach decision on the outcomes upon their completion;

Whereas, ICANN and the community recognize the significant effort required of the WGIG and the Secretariat in the coming months;

Whereas, ICANN fully supports the importance of the work of the ICANN community in the context of the WSIS discussions;

Resolved, that ICANN will help support the WGIG with a contribution of US$100,000 to the UN Global Information and Communication Technology Project; this contribution is intended as a good-faith and transparent contribution to an important discussion, and does not imply agreement with any final outcome of the WGIG or the WSIS.

The Board approved this resolution by roll call vote. The roll call vote indicated 8 affirmative votes by Raimundo Beca, Vint Cerf, Veni Markovski, Hualin Qian, Joichi Ito, Thomas Niles, Alejandro Pisanty and Paul Twomey; 1 negative vote by Michael Palage, and one abstention by Mouhamet Diop. Hagen Hultzsch, Njeri Rionge and Vanda Scartezini were not present.


Vint Cerf formally adjourned the meeting at 5:58AM, PST.