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Structural Improvements Committee Meeting Minutes 22 June 2010

19 and 22 June 2010

SIC Attendees: Ray Plzak – Chair, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, and Jonne Soininen

SIC Apologies: Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Invited Observer: Raimundo Beca

Staff Attendees: John Jeffrey – ICANN General Counsel; David Olive - Vice President, Policy Development; Samantha Eisner, Rob Hoggarth, Olof Nordling, and Diane Schroeder

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

Prior to achieving a quorum, the SIC members in attendance engaged in an informal discussion on items on the agenda, including a review of action items identified at the previous meeting. No action items were carried over.

  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am local time in Brussels, Belgium.

  2. All voting members in attendance approved the minutes of the previous meeting.

  3. All voting members in attendance approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board that the Board approve the ALAC Improvements Implementation Plan. The SIC noted that the implementation plan evidenced staff coordination with the ALAC.

    • Action:
      • Staff to draft resolution recommending Board approval of the ALAC Improvements Implementation Plan and forward to Board.
  4. Discussed the proposed Bylaws revisions identified as necessary to facilitate the seating of a Board director selected by the At-Large Community, in line with the principle that the Board will be increased to 16 voting directors, the ALAC Liaison seat will be removed, and the term of the Director selected by the At-Large Community will be aligned with the cycle of Directors selected by the ICANN Supporting Organizations. All voting members in attendance approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board that the Board approve the posting of the proposed Bylaws for public comment.

    • Action:
      • Staff to forward to the Board the resolution recommending Board approval for posting of the proposed Bylaws revisions.
  5. Received a presentation from staff on the proposed dashboard for reporting on the status of GNSO Improvements work. The SIC agreed that the ongoing action items of staff updates on the status of improvements work underway could be closed, subject to staff providing interim reports to the SIC as necessary.

    • Action:
      • Staff to revise dashboard in line with comments from SIC members including the addition of hyperlinks to access additional explanatory texts and reports.
      • Staff to make the dashboard publicly available.
  6. Received an update on the revised terms of reference for completion of the TLG Review and discussion of the proposed timeline for the review. Also reviewed proposed resolution to modify the Board’s resolution to align with the SIC determination to not proceed with a working group model for the review of the TLG, and the voting members present agreed to forward the SIC recommendation to the Board.

    • Actions:
      • Staff to forward to the Board the resolution on the structure of the review of the TLG to the Board.
      • Staff to determine how to complete the TLG review by the 2010 Annual General Meeting and revise the timeline accordingly.
  7. Discussed planning for initiation of the review of the ASO.

    • Action:
      • Chair to coordinate meeting with ASO representatives and any interested members of the SIC to discuss the manner of the review of the ASO.
  8. Discussed the proposed charter submitted by the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) and the NCSG responses to the concerns communicated by the Chair of the SIC regarding elements of the proposed charter.

    • Action:
      • Staff to coordinate SIC discussion with NCSG during the ICANN meeting in Brussels, and a preparatory caucus for SIC members.
  9. Due to time, the Chair requested that the discussion of the proposed Constituency Criteria produced by a subset of the SIC should be moved online.

    • Action:
      • SIC to provide comments to the Constituency Criteria document and engage in online discussion of the same.
  10. Due to external time constraints, the SIC meeting adjourned at 9:29 am local time. The SIC Chair called a second meeting to order at 6:28 pm local time on 22 June 2010. All SIC members were in attendance, as well as invited observer Raimundo Beca, and staff members David Olive, Samantha Eisner and Olof Nordling.

  11. Discussed a proposal for a Bylaws revision to give effect to the recommendation out of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee review Working Group regarding implementing renewable terms for SSAC members. All voting members in attendance approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board that the Board approve the posting of the proposed Bylaws for public comment.

    • Actions:
      • Staff to forward to the Board the resolution recommending Board approval for posting of proposed Bylaws revisions on the SSAC member terms.
  12. Discussed how to proceed to implementation of the recommendations and conclusions set out in the final reports of the Board review Working Group, the SSAC review Working Group, and the Nominating Committee review finalization Working Group and the initial matrix prepared by staff setting out needed actions. All voting members in attendance approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board stating that after the SIC completes its review of the initial matrix prepared by staff, staff should be directed to prepare and execute implementation plans for each review, seeking Board approval (through the SIC) as necessary.

    • Actions:
      • SIC to complete review of matrix of proposals for implementation.
      • Staff to draft and forward a resolution recommending Board approval for preparation and execution of implementation plans for recommendations and conclusions arising out of each of the three review Working Group reports.
  13. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm local time.