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Public Participation Committee (PPC) Minutes 28 April 2011

PPC Attendees: Mike Silber – Chair; Sébastien Bachollet; Thomas Narten; Gonzalo Navarro; Katim Touray; and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board attendees: Rod Beckstrom, CEO and President

Staff Attendees: Akram Atallah – Chief Operating Officer; David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development Support, Samantha Eisner, Diane Schroeder, and Filiz Yilmaz

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. Approval of Minutes: All voting members in attendance approved the minutes of the prior PPC meeting.

  2. Finalization of the Meetings Schedule in 2011: The PPC discussed the need to maintain in person meetings to keep to the pace of work required. The PPC agreed to include meetings at the May and September Board retreats on the PPC’s schedule.

  3. Review of Improving Public Comment Tasks in Workplan 2011: The PPC received a brief presentation from staff on the status of workplan items related to improving public comment and adjusting to reflect the Board’s assignment of ATRT-related tasks to the PPC.

    • Actions:

      • PPC members to provide written comments on the workplan tasks.

      • Staff to provide written update on implementation work on the ATRT recommendations regarding public comment.

      • Staff to schedule extended PPC meeting at the May retreat to discuss the ATRT recommendations.

  4. Reports on Report on Newcomers Activities and Remote Activities during ICANN 40: The PPC agreed to review the reports provided by staff and engage in online discussions prior to the May meeting.

    • Action:

      • PPC members to provide written comment on reports in preparation for May meeting.

  5. Summit on Developing Countries: The PPC discussed the feasibility of planning a summit on developing countries, to be held in conjunction with the October ICANN meeting in Dakar, Senegal, and the need to properly allocate resources for logistics and funding. The PPC noted that while it is not feasible to plan for a full-scale summit in Dakar, Senegal, initiating discussions on how to plan and host such an event should continue, and a preparatory meeting should take place at the ICANN meeting in Singapore.

    • Action:

      • PPC member to provide written thoughts on how to move forward.

  6. Workplan Review: Item held over to next meeting.