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Minutes | Board Governance Committee (BGC) Meeting 23 August 2017

BGC Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Cherine Chalaby, Chris Disspain (Chair), Asha Hemrajani, Ram Mohan, and Mike Silber

BGC Member Apologies: Markus Kummer

Other Board Member Attendees: Steve Crocker

ICANN Organization Attendees:  Akram Atallah, (President, Global Domains Division), Michelle Bright (Board Content Senior Manager), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Vinciane Koenigsfeld (Board Training & Content Senior Manager), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), Wendy Profit (Manager, Board Operations), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  • Minutes – The BGC approved the mintues of the 1 August 2017 meeting.
  • Nominating Committee 2018 Chair and Chair-Elect - The BGC discussed the Committee's recommendations for the 2018 Chair and Chair-Elect. The BGC moved to approve recommendations to the Board for 2018 NomCom Chair and and 2018 NomCom Chair-Elect.
    • Actions:
      • ICANN organization to prepare materials for Board consideration at its next meeting.
  • Update on Community Priority Evaluation Process Review (Review) - The BGC received a briefing on the status of the CPE process review.  The interview process of the CPE provider personnel that had involvement in CPEs has been completed.  FTI is also working with the CPE provider to obtain the reference materials for the evaluations that are the subject of pending Reconsideration Requests. The CPE provider has been producing documents on a rolling basis. FTI is currently evaluating whether the CPE provider's production is complete. Once the underlying information and data collection is complete, FTI anticipates that it will be able to inform ICANN of its findings within two weeks.
    • Actions:
      • ICANN organization to provide a status update to the community.
      • ICANN organization to continue providing the BGC with updates on the status of the review, and publish update(s) as appropriate.
  • Consideration of the Inaugural Charters of the Board Accountability Mechanisms (BAMC) and Board Technical Committee (BTC) and Revisions to the BGC Charter – The BGC discussed the amendments to the current BGC charter to reflect the redesignation of the Reconsideration responsibilities from the BGC to the BAMC.  The BGC also considered the inaugural charter of the BAMC as the committee charged with oversight of ICANN accountability mechanisms, including the Reconsideration responsibilities under Article 4, Section 4.2 of the Bylaws.  Further, the BGC considered the inaugural charter of the BTC as the committee the formed to help the ICANN Board with oversight of technical work necessary to achieve ICANN's mission of ensuring the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems. The BGC discussed inclusion of additional responsibilities to the scope of responsibilities to the BTC charter to accurately capture the intended purpose of the committee.  The BGC also engaged in a discussion regarding the role of liaisons as committee chairs.
    • Actions:
      • BGC members to provide input and revisions to BTC charter via email.
      • ICANN organization to prepare relevant materials for BGC online approval of a recommendation to the Board for approval of charters to be presented to the board at its next meeting.
  • Discussion of Board Committees and Working Groups Slate – The BGC discussed the Board Committees and Working Group slates based upon, among other things, the preferences indicated by the Board members.

Published on 10 October 2017.