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Minutes | Board Governance Committee (BGC) Meeting 17 September 2016

BGC Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Cherine Chalaby, Chris Disspain (Chair), Erika Mann, Mike Silber, and Bruce Tonkin

BGC Member Apologies: Suzanne Woolf

Other Board member Attendees: Steve Crocker, Asha Hemrajani, Rafael Lito Ibarra, Markus Kummer, Ram Mohan, and Jonne Soininen

ICANN Executive and Staff Attendees: Michelle Bright (Board Operations Content Manager), Samantha Eisner (Deputy General Counsel), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Melissa King (VP, Board Operations), Vinciane Koenigsfeld (Board Operations Content Manager), Wendy Profit (Board Operations Specialist), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

Invited Guests: Representatives on behalf of DotMusic Limited

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. DotMusic Limited's Oral Presentation to the BGC re Reconsideration Request 16-5 – DotMusic Limited (DotMusic) made a presentation to the BGC regarding Reconsideration Request 16-5. DotMusic's presentation materials have been published at
    • Action:
      • BGC to consider additional information provided and then consider Reconsideration Request 16-5.
  2. Committee Slating – The BGC discussed a proposed slate for Board Committee membership, as well as for leadership of the Board Committees. The BGC also discussed providing training courses for new members of certain Board Committees, including but not limited to Audit, Risk, and Finance. The BGC also discussed the proposed leadership structure and succession planning of the Board Committees, and whether there should be co-chairs or vice chairs for each Committee. Following a lengthy discussion, the BGC determined that for the time being, the need and/or designation of co-chairs (such as for the Board Finance Committee and Board Risk Committee) or vice chairs will be left to the discretion of each Committee to determine. The BGC, however, agreed that succession planning is important and warrants further discussion. The BGC also discussed seeking input from Committee members regarding the current Committee chairs, before the BGC recommends a slate of Committee leadership for Board approval.
    • Action:
      • BGC Chair to circulate proposed process for obtaining input from Committee members regarding current Committee chairs.