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Minutes | Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee (BAMC) Meeting 17 January 2018

Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee (BAMC) Attendees: Becky Burr, Sarah Deutsch, Chris Disspain (Chair), Léon Sanchez, and Mike Silber

Other Board Member Attendees: Cherine Chalaby and Göran Marby  

ICANN Organization Attendees: Akram Atallah (President, Global Domains Division), Casandra Furey (Associate General Counsel), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Aaron Jimenez (Board Operations Senior Coordinator), Tarek Kamel (Sr. Advisor to President & SVP, Government and IGO Engagement), Vinciane Koenigsfeld (Board Training & Content Senior Manager), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), Wendy Profit (Manager, Board Operations), Lisa Saulino (Board Operations Senior Coordinator), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. Further consideration of Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) v. ICANN Independent Review Process (IRP) Final Declaration (.PERSIANGULF) – The Committee considered and discussed some of IRP Panel's factual premises and conclusions in the Final Declaration. The Committee asked ICANN Org to conduct a further comprehensive evaluation of the Final Declaration to identify all the concerns and the evidentiary support for such concerns that were identified by the IRP Panel.
    • Action: ICANN Org to conduct a further comprehensive evaluation of the Final Declaration to identify all the concerns and the evidentiary support for such concerns that were identified by the IRP Panel.
  2. Consideration of the Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. (AGIT) v. ICANN IRP Final Declaration (.HALAL/.ISLAM) – The  BAMC discussed AGIT IRP Final Declaration and approved recommendation to the Board to accept the finding by the IRP Panel that AGIT is the prevailing party; to direct ICANN Org to reimburse AGIT in the amount declared by the Panel; and to direct the BAMC to evaluate the findings in the Final Declaration and the GAC non-consensus advice as well as the subsequent communications from or with objecting and supporting parties, in light of the Final Declaration, and provide a recommendation to the Board as to whether or not the applications for .HALAL and .ISLAM should proceed.
    • Action: ICANN Org to prepare materials for Board consideration.
  3. Next Steps on Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) Process Review (Review) – Becky Burr abstained from consideration of this matter, noting potential conflicts. The Committee noted that the three reports on the CPE Process Review were published on 13 December 2017 and discussed the next steps in the Review. The BAMC also discussed the correspondence that have been received since the publication of the reports. The BAMC approved a recommendation to the Board to acknowledge and accept the findings in the three reports; that as a result of the findings, there will be no overhaul or change to the CPE process in the current New gTLD round; that the CPE Process Review has been completed; and that the BAMC should move forward with consideration of the remaining reconsideration requests relating to the CPE process that were placed on hold pending completion of the CPE Process Review and to take FTI's findings into consideration as part of the BAMC's review.
    • Actions:
      • ICANN Org to prepare materials for Board consideration.
  4. Update on the New IRP – The BAMC received an update on the community's work related to the revised IRP, including a status update on the Supplementary Rules of Procedure as well as the work relating to the establishment of the IRP standing panel. The BAMC was informed that the work related to the establishment of the standing panel has begun and that ICANN Org held a webinar earlier in the day with the leadership of the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees to begin the cross-community discussion concerning what processes are required to establish the standing panel.
  5. Update on the Status of .WEBS application – The Committee received an update on the .WEBS application.

Published on 12 February 2018