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RegisterFly Update March 31

31 de marzo de 2007
Por Paul Levins

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This is an update on the termination of RegistrFly as an ICANN accredited registrar.

As was previously advised ICANN sent a notice of termination to RegisterFly effective 31 March 2007

Under the agreement RegisterFly can initiate arbitration challenging the termination.

RegisterFly has decided to do that and has notified ICANN.

That means the termination has to be stayed by at least an additional thirty days.

Consequently there will be no bulk transfer to another Accredited registrar until further notice.

This clearly does not help registrants. It is another example of RegisterFly putting its own interests ahead of its customers.

ICANN is committed to pursuing RegisterFly under the terms of the Agreement.

ICANN has filed suit in Federal Court in the Central District of California to require RegisterFly to turn over all registrant data and to require them to provide updates every 48 hours and open up their books for audit. This will assist in making sure the data is accurate when a bulk transfer does occur or if the data is otherwise not available from the operators of RegisterFly. ICANN

RegisterFly is still required to assist registrants who want to transfer to another Registrar.

ICANN will provide more updates as information becomes available.


Paul Levins