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DNSSEC Signed ROOT by July 1, 2010

8 de octubre de 2009
Por ICANN Blog

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ICANN Lisbon meeting in 2007 was perhaps one of the most successful and fun meetings I had attended as a staff member. This week I have returned to the same venue in Lisbon , Portugal with different feelings , duties and priorities.

My excitement have reached to the utmost levels even though this wasn’t my first attendance to a RIPE meeting, it was my first time as ICANN staff member and also being involved with many of the hottest
topics of the DNS World , i had been looking forward to exchange ideas and discuss various subjects with members of the community.

Everybody who have read the meeting agenda was aware that there was a topic in today called “DNSSEC for the Root Zone” which was going to be presented jointly with Joe Abley , Director of DNS Group at ICANN and
Matt Larson, Vice President of DNS Research at VeriSign. Yet, nobody had been expecting a milestone announcement in the pages of this presentation (Page 25).

When the presentation slide changed from page 24 to page 25, one of the important moments of the Internet history had now been announced to public and long-time waited, “The date for fully deployment of the
DNSSEC at Root Zone” was confirmed; July 1, 2010. The presentation also included a brief timeline of other important dates before the DNSSEC is fully deployed.

Earlier announcements in June 2009 made it very clear that DNSSEC implementation was in the radar and
coming up soon with a collaborated work of ICANN, NTIA and Verisign however this is the first time the Internet community was informed with more details about how this relation would be and who would be
the holder of KSK,ZSK and given a solid date.

The laud applause and cheer from the community members were not only a moment that I realized how much internet community wanted to deploy DNSSEC but also importance of role we were starting to play on
assuring the enhanced security of the Global Internet as ICANN.
