Blogs de la ICANN

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Beijing ICANN 46

8 de abril de 2013
Por Chris LaHatte

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Today is the 1st official day of the full ICANN meeting in Beijing. We began with the traditional opening ceremony and another aspirational and inspiring speech from Fadi Chehade on the management tools which he is developing to ensure our bottom-up stakeholders model works with the open and transparent knowledge of what ICANN staff are actually doing. I am not part of that management system of course, because of the confidential nature of the complaints which come into my office. My new case management software however will do much the same for me, to more efficiently handle the increasing workload and respond better to my visitors. It has already been a little busy in my office with a range of complaints, some possibly quite controversial. I am shortly closing my afternoon clinic, to attend the Internet governance update. This proves to be a very topical issue and I am keen to see the latest developments. The ICANN ombudsman does have a role in the governance of ICANN, because of the particular function of fairness in the way in our multi stakeholder organisation works, and as a symbol to the community that they have an independent outlet if they feel the structure is not working. So I am keen to learn from the latest developments.


Chris LaHatte