Blogs de la ICANN

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Accountability Indicators Feedback – 1 October to 31 December 2017

24 de enero de 2018
Por Leo Vegoda

Contenido disponible solo en los siguientes idiomas

  • English

In August 2017, we launched the Accountability Indicators initiative as a reflection of ICANN's work towards accountability and transparency. The dynamic and interactive Accountability Indicators web page helps you track our progress against our strategic objectives by allowing you to explore different dimensions of what we do.

As an example of our efforts to better communicate our progress with our stakeholders, we have developed various projects and steps to improve accessibility to feedback and information. In October, we published a report on the first month's feedback, deployed an integrated feedback mechanism, and started featuring a story about Accountability Indicators on social media every month.

Where We Are Today

We are happy to see that the page's traffic has risen steadily, however, this growth in traffic has not been met by a similar increase in feedback. This situation could mean that you are happy with what you find on the website.

Your Feedback Is Important

We encourage you to check the Accountability Indicators page where you can access the feedback mechanism, and provide us with your opinion on how we can make the indicators more useful for you.


Leo Vegoda