Anuncios de la ICANN

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TLD Application Review Update

13 de octubre de 2000

Contenido disponible solo en los siguientes idiomas

  • English
  • On Monday, 2 October 2000 the application period for those seeking to sponsor or operate new TLDs ended. A total of 47 applications were received during the application period. Fourty-four of these applications are still active.
  • ICANN has completed the following steps in its review of applications:
    • Acknowledging receipt of applications.
    • Reviewing the applications to ensure they include all the required parts. All applications being considered now have all the required major parts, though some still appear to be missing exhibits, postable HTML versions, etc.
    • Verifying payment of the application fee. Two of the 47 applications submitted were not accompanied by the US $50,000 application fee. These two applications (.number/.tel/.phone and .wap) have been returned.
    • Performing an initial review of confidentiality requests and contacting applicants to notify them of the disposition of the request. One of the 47 applications (.nyc) has been withdrawn because the applicant and ICANN did not agree on treatment of confidentiality claims.
  • ICANN is currently involved in the following aspects of the review:
    • Where an application seeks alternative or multiple TLD strings, verifying that it is a single application (i.e. that all parts of the application apply, without significant variation, to all of the strings). Applicants submitting materials that constitute more than one application will be notified in the next several days.
    • Posting non-confidential portions of applications on the ICANN web site.We are working to get all the applications posted as soon as possible. In some cases, we are awaiting resolution of confidentiality claims so that we can post the application material for public comment. In other cases, we are working to correct problems with the electronic versions of applications that were submitted. We expect the majority of the posting to be completed soon.
  • Initial technical, business/financial, and legal review of applications.