Anuncios de la ICANN

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Statement Concerning Draft RIR-ICANN Agreement

9 de abril de 2002

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  • English

For quite some time, the managements of ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries (APNIC, ARIN, and RIPE NCC) have been discussing the terms of a draft "Relationship Agreement" on matters of roles, responsibilities, and procedures relating to Internet Protocol (IP) address management and global IP address management policies. Recently they have completed these discussions and agreed on a draft agreement (posted here) that they believe accurately represents their relationships. This agreement would further formalize the existing working relationship between the RIRs and ICANN, which is set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding for the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO MoU).

The draft Relationship Agreement is being posted for public comment prior to its consideration by the ICANN Board. It will also be the subject of the RIRs' solicitation of comments from their communities. The Regional Internet Registries have noted that ICANN's ongoing evolution and reform process may result in outcomes for ICANN that could affect on the ability of the parties to complete their commitments as documented in the draft agreement. Accordingly, consideration of this agreement will be coordinated with the ICANN evolution and reform process.

A web-based comment forum has been established to receive public comment on the draft Relationship Agreement.