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Public Comment: Ombudsman Framework

13 de marzo de 2009

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A new public comment period opens today on the revised Ombudsman Framework. See [PDF, 588K]

Click here to go through to the public comment period (open until 12 April 2009).

The Ombudsman submitted an initial draft Ombudsman Framework to the Board for approval, which was posted for public comment.

Subsequently, at the Board's request, the Board Governance Committee (BGC) suggested revisions to the Ombudsman Framework and had several discussions with the Ombudsman about those revisions. The Ombudsman and the BGC have reached agreement on revised language to the Ombudsman Framework and the BGC recommended that the Board approve the posting of the framework for further public comment.

In response to the BGC's recommendation, at the Board meeting in Mexico City on 6 March 2009, the Board resolved that the Ombudsman Framework as revised be posted for further public comment and considered at the next possible Board meeting or be returned to the BGC for additional consultation.

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