Anuncios de la ICANN

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Public Comment: AGP Limits Policy

20 de octubre de 2008

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ICANN is today opening a public comment period on the draft implementation plan for the AGP Limits Policy. This recently approved consensus policy is intended to limit the behavior known as domain tasting through modifications to the AGP. The Policy will affect gTLD Operators (hereinafter referred to as "Operators") and ICANN-accredited registrars (hereinafter referred to as "Registrars") and become effective following appropriate comment and notice periods on the implementation plan.

On 26 June 2008, at its meeting in Paris, the ICANN Board resolved to adopt the GNSO recommendation on domain tasting. Following implementation of the Policy, Operators will be prohibited from making refunds of registration fees to Registrars for AGP deletes that exceed the threshold limits set by the Policy unless an exemption has been granted by an Operator. The limits defined by the Policy are (i) 10% of that Registrar's net new registrations ( calculated as the total number of net adds of one-year through ten-year registrations as defined in Operator Agreements) in that month, or (ii) fifty (50) domain names, whichever is greater. The draft implementation plan details how this Policy will be implemented.

Comments on the proposed AGP Limits Policy implementation may be submitted to and will be considered until 20 November 2008 23:59 UTC. Comments may be viewed at