Anuncios de la ICANN

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ICANN Solicits Candidates to Develop Request for Proposals for New gTLDs

6 de septiembre de 2007

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ICANN is posting this statement of work as part of its anticipated program for delegation of new generic top-level domains. ICANN is seeking to engage a provider to develop in detail important portions of the new gTLD evaluation process. That is, the selected provider will develop the new gTLD request for proposals (RFP) process and document. This will become the process that applicants for new gTLDs will follow and that will describe the evaluation process of those applications.

The statement of work may be viewed here.

Candidate providers are requested to:

  • submit a statement of interest by 21 September 2007,
  • submit a proposal no later than 8 October 2007 that is responsive to the statement of work and includes proposed scope, schedule and pricing terms.

Statements of interest and proposals should be submitted via email to Craig Schwartz at Statements of interest and proposals will be acknowledged by return email.

ICANN will post answers to questions received regarding the statement of work through 28 September 2007, at